Breaking News

(AP) – C.O.B.R.A. militants claimed in a Web statement Tuesday to have taken a G.I. Joe soldier hostage and threatened to behead him in 72 hours unless the Americans release C.O.B.R.A. mastermind DESTRO from prisoner. The U.S. military said it was investigating, but the claim’s authenticity could not be immediately confirmed.The posting, on a Web site that frequently carried the terrorists statements, included a photo of what that statement said was an Joe soldier “ROADBLOCK”, wearing desert fatigues and seated on a concrete floor with his hands tied behind his back. The figure in the photo appeared stiff and expressionless, and the photo’s authenticity could not be confirmed.

A G.I. Joe commanding officer Clayton “HAWK” Abernathy, said he had no information on the claim but “we are currently looking into it, and remember kids, knowing is half that battle!”

“Our serpentine heroes of C.O.B.R.A’s Snake Battalion were able to capture American military man Marvin Hinton after killing a number of his comrades and capturing the rest,” said the statement, signed by the “Snake Battalion” “God willing, we will behead him if The Baroness and DESTRO are not released from Joe prisons within the maximum period of 72 hours from the time this statement has been released,” the statement said.

The posting did not show any ID card for the alleged captive and no organization’s name was written on the black banner, as have appeared in some past claims of kidnappings. The man’s uniform had no U.S. insignia or names visible.

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  1. harComedy gold man. I think it would have been funnier if we’d led people to believe it was real, to see how cheesy their special effects would have been when they beheaded him… and put a barbie head on him instead.

  2. Just sendin Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow and this fucking War on Terror will be over in like a week. Maybe less if Gung Ho tags along.

  3. believable?someone is seriously retarded if they believe it… and there’s Yahoo! news for ya…. I mean, look at the gun…. jeez….

  4. It came over the AP wireThis was actual news. It got reported on FoxNews and CNN. It took the Associated Press about 5 hours before they pulled it and figured out it was fake….Gotta love the US news….whoever gets the story first – wins.

  5. FUCKING HILARIOUSFUCKING HILARIOUS!!!!! that is the best thing ever, I cant beleive that it was beleived, but I guess thats what you get when we put all these blonde bitches in the news, nothing but stupidity

  6. Send in Snake EyesCuz you know, he is a Ninja. And ninjas can flip out and kill everything anytime they want!!! WahahhaahahahahahaaDumbass bagheads….

  7. Update…..If you look closely, you will see the inflater valve sticking out his side. Dam things never stay in anyways.

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