Boo, bitch. Now give me some candy. Now.

I know a lot of you having been crying and weeping to your parents and favorite household pets about my lack of posting. To tell ya the truth, I’ve been afraid to post on the front page now that there’s no ‘pre-news-check-news-pre-checker’ option. I’ve been trying to hold out and not blow my ‘creative wad’ all over the front page since I’ve 3 games to review that I’m sure none of you will read and prob email me with hoardes of questions like ‘are you fucking stupid?’ or ‘have you died yet?’ or ‘I didn’t read your review, but I’m still emailing you to tell you to go and die’ and things of that nature. You do know Pie and Games mix well don’t you? It’s kinda like putting chocolate frosting on Frosted Flakes and washing it down with Coke. No not the drink…i’m talking Raygun’s Coke. Haha…oh Raygun…you powder head.

Damnit, I’m off track again…Ok. It’s that time of year again where some of you are going to be out ‘trick or treating’. And some of you, like me, will be sitting on the roof of your house with lots of food that, when thrown, can explode and cause harm to one’s body if contact is made in the correct manner. Some of you might think that you have out grown this childish past-time and wish everyone would just grow up and realize how silly it is to dress up and parade around your town/city hunting candy for many hours of the night and getting so drunk you make love to at least 3 different nationalities of yard gnomes.

Do you not remember what Halloween is all about? Are you not aware of the Candy-Consumption Demon-Return Exorcise Ratio™ that must be met each Halloween or be dominated by demonic slathering-slobbering beasts from the hell pits bent on turning earth into a candy-less rock of doom full of slather and slobber? Damnit man, do you think Sharkey started this site up just to get pics of boobs, fame and fortune, and more pics of boobs? Of course he did! That’s why it’s up to us to get dressed up, and go out this year and make up for all these past years of sitting around and hiding behind the couch and keeping the lights out! Hell, if you dress up, you won’t have to deal with those damn trick or treaters…you’ll be one!!! If you’re not good at making costumes, well just go as a spider……something…just look at this GREAT list of costume ideas!!!

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