Blame Society’s Problems On The Hamburglar

Warning: This post only has a remote possibility of being funny, and that’s if you’ve seen the film Best Of The Best, or it’s sequel starring that deuchebag Wayne Newton. And even then, you probably won’t find it at all funny, or possibly cast aspersions on my character due to my mockery of the disfigurement of a child, or a fictional character. In either instance, please relocate to the nearest senior citizens center, place your mouth within a close proximity of your wang, and proceed to fellate yourself. This is just an observation, Mr. Critic, not the State of the Union address. I don’t cast judgement on you for mouthifying your junk in retirement homes, do I?

Now that I think about it, that beef in the freezer might have said Expires September 22, 2001. Or was it 2000? Anyway, on to the picture.

Tommy's brother would still be alive today if the Goddamn clown hadn't fucked up Dae Han's life.

As messed up as this picture is, does the kid not remind you of Dae Han? This explains a helluva lot of things. You start runnin’ with the McDonaldland posse at an early age, you get started on a life of hate and bitterness. And uh… TaeKwon-Do. …Mayor McCheese is a black belt.

Before I pass out, can anyone tell me why America and Korea were the only two countries in that movie to compete for the world championship? Honestly, maybe I missed something, but did the rest of the countries just decide not to fucking show up? It was the 80’s, I guess, so they were probably all coked up listening to Debbie Gibson records. Or that might’ve been me, the memory’s a little fuzzy, I’ll have to get back to you on that one.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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