Because Without Self-Torture, The Terrorists Have Already Won

Why couldn’t Melissa and Joan Rivers signed up to become human shields? While you all know my thoughts on the war effort, I sometimes must question our lack of attention to domestic issues. Like why I have to claw my own eyes/ears to drown out the madness.

Joan just pointed to a pin on her chest and said “This pin signifies peace. Not for or against the war, just peace. And every idiot on the planet is for peace, right?” Apparently. As their queen, I would imagine she is up-to-date on all idiot fashion. Not to slight the pins. Good idea, bad spokesperson.

And now, I would like to take this opportunity to propose my “Wartime Edition” of the Oscars Drinking Game. Lemme break down the rules for maximum drunkability.

Every time…

  • actor/actress goes out of their way to say that they “don’t want to mention the war, just that they hope for peace/safe return of our troops”: 1 drink
  • actor/actress mentions that while they don’t agree with his policies, they support the President/country: 1 drink
  • actor/actress mentions that while they don’t agree with what’s going on, they support our troops: 2 drinks
  • actor/actress briefly mentions in their speech that they don’t agree with what we’re doing over there without mentioning the President: 2 drinks
  • actor/actress briefly mentions that they do not support the President: 2 drinks
  • actor/actress makes a lengthy diatribe regarding the war, strongly against it: 2 drinks
  • actor/actress makes a mention of their support for the war effort: 3 drinks
  • Star Wars wins anything: 5 drinks
  • The Time Machine wins anything: 5 drinks
  • Michael Moore wins an Oscar and keeps his mouth shut about the war: finish the fucking bottle

That’s all I’ve got for the moment. Please note that actually following these rules will lead to death by alcohol poisoning by the fifth award, so please play responsibly.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. yupYup. He started going off on Bush, saying he was a horrible president and a bad man. He got Booed offstage. That music hit REAL quick but he just kept talking. I say deport the fucker, doesn’t do anything good anyway.

  2. post itCan anyone post a copy of it? Sharkey, maybe you can use your dominating force over the internet to procure a copy.

  3. oscars?I didn’t watch the oscars. Thought I’d watch something a little more worth while, like a head of lettuce.

  4. Human ShieldsWhy couldn’t that Bill O’Riely bastard be reporting from the front lines? Hes fat enough to make a perfect human shield and nothing would be more satisfying than seeing his Ultra Conservitive ass blown up by a stray bomb….

  5. LoLLeRskAtEsHa. Ha. Ha. You are king of teh wittay!It’s O’Reilly. Actually, he’s not all that conservative, just anti-stupid. I’m sorry his position is in opposition to yours.

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