Because Truth Enhances The Fiction

I know a lot of you must be watching Joe Millionaire like I am, because the show is maniacally evil. And maniacal evil, of course, will be a cornerstone of my platform for world domination. So far it seems like $50 Million, uh… I mean Evan, has macked on a few chicks, and probably gone to third base with that Sarah chicks, if the slurping and moaning sounds are to be believed. Since she’s just a moneygrubbing skank like the rest (except the Disneyesque Zora *sigh*) it’s not that hard to beleive that she’d attempt a little judge-swaying by displaying her skills at wang mouthification. However, we can’t cast any aspersions on her morals for something that we can’t prove.

So let’s cast aspersions on her morals for something that we CAN prove, shall we? Foot fetish porn is, after all, second only to punching disabled senior citizens in the realm of moral bankruptcy.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. TwiceOnly twice ?SHZZIT man…Hoe like dat need to be having a fuck thrown into her at least 5 times a day for twelve days. Ya gots to know… it takes at least 60 hits to break that shit in.(*mumbling… you motherfucking amateurs dont know a damn thing bout them bitches…*wanders off with a pimp lean)

  2. TwiceOnly twice ?SHZZIT man…Hoe like dat need to be having a fuck thrown into her at least 5 times a day for twelve days. Ya gots to know… it takes at least 60 hits to break that shit in.(*mumbling… you motherfucking amateurs dont know a damn thing bout them bitches…*wanders off with a pimp lean)

  3. Great rackNow if we could only get Sharkey to post some pictures of her in the bikini she wore in the last episode. She was busting out of that one.

  4. Wha-hoooCompletly unrelated, but:Ivory coast rebels attacked French consular buildings, in protest over details of the peace agreement to end a long-running civil war, and appealed to the United States for assistance.Right on. Everyone up for nuking France? 🙂

  5. wait a sec …they didn’t like the peace agreement, so they attack the consular building? man, much as I hate to be on france’s side in anything, I hope france throws the agreement out the window and invades, because that’s just dumb.

  6. Theres a Moral In This Somewherei was reading her profile when all of a sudden i noticed \”UNDERWEAR MODEL\”. naturally i neglected to even bother reading who or what so i clicked only to see Joe Mil in all his Bannana hammocked glory… :shudder:

  7. Piston ThongYea, I like that one kind of underwear he was modeling.. the \”piston thong\” how romantic is that… think of a piston.. then think of a thong. Deeeee-lish!

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