Because The Domain Name Pleases Me is having a woot-off.

Or at least, that’s what Bongweasel tells me. And since he’s basically my Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Internet, I trust his judgement that this is probably something worth paying a slight bit of attention to.

Just in case you’ve been living under a rock (with me… in which case hey, good to see you again my fellow shaded earth dweller) then you might want to check out woot. They normally have a different deal every day, in which they give ridiculous bargains. Once the sale is out of stock, it’s over until the next day, when a new product hits the website. But during a woot-off, they continue selling products as they come, and until they sell out. Currently it is stuck on a GPS system that one of you assholes needs to buy so that I can stop hitting refresh and go to sleep satisfied that the next product is equally worthless (but hopefully not) to me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. It’s a…Mediocre Plug-In Odor Neutralizer!! At least they’re honest. Next up: \”Really shitty stereo speakers\”

  2. You forgotto mention that no matter what the sale is for, shipping is only $5 bucks. They were selling 62in LCD TVs last year, shipping: $5.

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