Because Spinoffs Are Always Good…. Wait.

[ Square Announces “Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Cerberus” ] – Apparently it’s a PS2 spinoff of Final Fantasy VII. It will take place one year after FFVII: Advent Children, and hopefully it won’t suck. But I’m a cynical motherfucker, and I’m filled with spite at the moment, so I’m not even giving Square an inch today. I haven’t purchased the last two major Square releases, which never happens. I’ve spent my hard-earned bread on every (major) US-released FF title since the first one, not to mention the miscellaneous tactics and import titles. They better not fuck up XII, or this sequel to VII, or I’ll rip each employee’s intestines out with my bare hands, and do a little jig as they vomit up the last remaining organs and crumple into lifeless heaps on the pavement.

Needless to say, I need a drink.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I think it’ll be good.Vincent is my favorite FF character…it’ll probably be pretty badass. Hopefully it’ll tell more about his days in Shinra

  2. ehsquaresoft sold out long time ago. i’d say as soon as ffvii reeled in its first million they went ahead and pushed \”let’s compete with pokemon\” button and started making less mature games. why even bother with sequels? they were once too original to ever revisit storylines, but now it looks like they’re out of ideas.

  3. I just dont’ get it…What’s the deal with FF anyways? It’s like fucking Madden 1990-2005 tons of sequels. I mean if you didn’t get on the boat in the 1980s how the fuck are u supposed to know what’s going on?

  4. You don’t have to know any backstory most of the time…Its supposed to be a different story every game. The only real sequel was FF X-2. Now they’re doing a second sequel, FF VII-2 which is a sequel to a game that was probably sealed the deal for sony as a console maker.

  5. gamei dont know how i feel about another FFVII. i mean sure, the ending to the first game was horrid, but a sequel just doesnt sound like a good idea to me. i mean look at ffx-2. mediocre at best and there’s still no telling how advent children will do. if AC flops, i say abort the whole FFVII-2 project completely.

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