Because It Will Please Mabs & Mox

[ Former Lucasfilm Employee Arrested For Supplying Harry Knowles With Pirated Episode II ]

Shea O’Brien Foley, 30, was taken into custody October 8 in Burbank, California, where he works at NBC in the facilities department, authorities said.

Foley is expected to be arraigned on nine counts of grand theft, and four counts of unlawful computer access at an as-yet unspecified date in Marin County, the Northern California base of operations for George Lucas’ dream factories, including Lucasfilm and Industrial Light and Magic.

Yeah, I know. It’s been Slashdotted to Hell, right? Who gives a crap now, right? Well, since you asked so nicely, I’ll tell you. All us old skool MoFos care, because we know this guy. In fact, I’ve probably written a comment (circa Episode I) about what a raging dick he was.

By the by, here’s something you might not find on Slashdot. His AOL site, his personal website, and his website devoted to my favorite theatre.

Now I’m not a complete dick. I don’t think it’s at all nice to make fun of the guy for getting arrested, even if he was stupid enough to do something like this:

But no-leak-tolerance Lucasfilm did want to know how Knowles got his paws on its film, at the time, still two months away from its May 16 release. The company deduced the footage must have come from an in-house source, the Independent Journal says. Foley came under scrutiny because of suspicious postings made under the screen name “Shay” on Star Wars chat rooms, the paper says.

Brilliant pseudonym, jackass. Anyway, like I said, I’ll feel bad if he goes to jail. But I still think it’s funny that he’s going to be blackballed in Hollywood. At least he worked at Lucasfilm, that’s something to have been proud of. I wish I could’ve worked ass-kissing into that kind of art form, but unfortunately my lips are a little too thin.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

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