Bantha Poodoo

Wow, the next-gen Lucasarts Star Wars game looks… fun. Like really fun.

It takes every ounce of will in my body to not take this opportunity to just tear apart the prequels right now. It’s been done to death, and frankly it gives Georgie boy more power, so I’m going to try to never speak of that loathesome trifecta of shit. Instead I’m going to try thinking about something pleasant, like puppies and oral sex.

…not together, sicko.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. nice..Any game that allows you to pick up living (or non-living) beings and slam them up repeatedly into larger more inanimate objects is ok in my book!

  2. FuckI like the way Sharkey purposefully throws a dime on this deal so he wont look like he cant wait to have sex with the dam thing regardless of anything else…..That kindof shit keeps me coming back here.

  3. wait and seesorry that last part looked too much like a cut scene to me. I hope there is more to it than slamming people around.

  4. I don’t like that the only thing we saw was smashing things around with the force. It is awesome looking, but I hope that’s not the main focus of combat. I’m a big fan of beheading some poor sucker with a lightsaber.

  5. Name? Systems?Anyone know what this game is called, or release schedules, or anything at all besides it being awesome?

  6. uhIt’s a pre-vis and it’s only a demo of how force powers will work. This is no kind of actual footage, but it’s still pretty hot if it’s what they’re going for.

  7. …I love the way that last Stormtrooper immidiatly start running toward the jedi, as soon as he saw ’em, like he had a severe diabetes and the jedi’s ass was made 100% out of insulin.Yes. He had what he got coming.

  8. oh snap!I’m just a lowly lurker, but this fucker jason420 just forces me to come out in the open.There is nothing, i repeat NOTHING manly about \”maddox\”. He’s just a wannabe, and so are you for licking his balls. Go back to whatever manhole you crawled up from, sucker.

  9. oh shnapazzle!That shitly-designed website from jason420 actually has some funny shit. 5 stars even though that doesn’t mean shit here

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