If I could wrussle your bitch ass out of bed right now, to share my pain of having to be up right now for the airport, I would.

See you in the Hawaii.

** Update ** Wow. Not even a full half hour later, and I’m at the airport, in my terminal, wishing for sleep or death. Now I feel… Well, kinda stupid. I could have easily left a half hour from now (thanks Killbot for the ride) and still made it with time to spare.

The folks at check-in and the baggage check areas are remarkably chipper for 4:30 in the AM. I was in full on “fuck you its fucking early you stupid fuck” greeting mode, but their upbeat attitude was pretty catchy. They got me down to one expletive per sentence, and that’s unheard of for this fucking time of morning. Or night. I dislike not being able to classify my current state of being.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. AlohaLet me know what kinda trouble your looking for when you get to Hawaii and I’ll try and hook you up.

  2. FUCKING CANDYASSSome of us don’t get home from work until the sun comes up. Waaaaaah! Bitch.PS: Have fun in Hawaii. Say hello to my aunties and get a local girl to slob your knob.

  3. Splain…..It seems you left the little-women at home doing the dishes…..Is she being punished or are you on the hunt for new trim?…..Never mind, we all know.

  4. Welcome to the universe…Sharkey broke it off with his ex-skank awhile ago and took his balls from the jar under the sink with him. Good luck Sharkman with getting yourself some HawaTang.

  5. Welcome to the universe…Sharkey broke it off with his ex-skank awhile ago and took his balls from the jar under the sink with him. Good luck Sharkman with getting yourself some HawaTang.

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