1. Owned.Rotate the Orange one 7 timesRotate the Brown one 5 timesRotate the Pink one 3 timesRotate the Green one once.Flat of Orange goes on Left wall.Flat of Brown goes on Bottom wall.Flat of Pink goes on Right wall.Flat of Green goes on Top wall.Rotate Blue once and put it in the middle.

  2. huh…?Seth: I don’t see that working. Either you made a mistake posting or I’m not getting something (or, i suppose, you’re a big fat liar).

  3. Good Going Seth …I don’t know how you figured that out … I wouldn’t have guessed that the corners aren’t filled

  4. You fail at life.How can you not see it working?Was I not clear on what to do?Hell, it gives you a popup saying good job when you do it.RE:scixelsydThanks, it kicked my ass ’til I realized that it looked like there was room left.

  5. Congrads SethI concur, approached with assumption whole thing is filled, not that corners are open. Damn.

  6. ohhhh…oh, i get it. i thought the puzzle was to completely fill the square (so that there was no white inside) so I took one look at Seth’s and said there’s no way that will work. I didn’t realize that the puzzle was to just get everything to fit in the square.

  7. sand/oil gamehey I remember that thing, and all the water and stuff falls… tip, the ceril (the white ‘wall’) stuff is actualy burnable, its WAX… not to mention up at the top you can click the MP3 that the guy made… we were playing that a lot during computer programming class…. google \”Sand Game\”, the wesite is char.something blah blah blah

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