Back From The Fortress Of Solitude

“Good afternoon, my lovelies.

Sorry I’ve been away so long. ….I won’t let you down again.”

So we were hacked. Shit went crazy. Lives were lost.

We must, in the name of all that is good and sexy, press on.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. w00tI hope this hasn’t put you off of BAMF. Statistically speaking, it’s still the safest way to blog.

  2. mdhere we are with fantastic news such as the coming out of neil patrick harris and no sharkey to rant about it.

  3. J0yI am one chosen by the Dark Goddess, Shilen. My quest is to rid the world of her enemies before her arrival. When she comes, I will be by her side corrupting all towards her will. Her awakening is inevitable and I wish to honor her with the blood and soul of those who oppose her. You will join the others I have already collected.\”

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