Babysitting’s Changed Since My Day

Although a lot of people sent this one in, Nick beat out Myskran by a whopping 30 seconds in hitting that “submit” button. The article itself really doesn’t need much commentary, because when a little girl finds an arsenal like this that she can use to attack her babysitter, it kind of speaks for itself. Dig:

An 11-year-old attacked her baby sitter with a machete during a struggle that included attempts by the girl to grab a baseball bat, a shovel and a BB gun, investigators said.

The scuffle moved to the front yard, where the girl grabbed a shovel and then a baseball bat in an attempt to attack the woman, Hubbard said. The girl next found a BB gun, but the woman got it away from her, he said.

The altercation continued until the girl found the machete lying in the yard and began to chase the woman, who took refuge in the bathroom, Hubbard said.

You know, I always make a stop in Barstow on my way out to Vegas. It’s a tradition. But knowing that the inhabitants of that little podunk town keep machetes and shit lying around on the fucking lawn when children are wandering around, I think I might pass, In-N-Out or not.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. WTF?Why in the hell was she trying to choke the dog? Unless of course she has serious problems which would result in her not wanting to have the dog fed so that it could starve which would ignite the argument between her and the sitter and therefore would end in me answering my own question.Nevermind. Fuck Barstow anyways.

  2. Fucking BarstowNews like this doesn’t surprise me at all coming from that shit hole. I lived there for 6 goddamn years. What can you expect from a town where only 12 people of the graduating class of 2001 move on to a major university? I’ve witnessed huge gang wars in the school, a little black girl being shot in the fucking McDonalds, and have had my ass beat by fucking Borders countless times. Fuck that city and all of its ignorant inhabitants.

  3. Amazing!To have your ass handed to you by a Borders must be a truly amazing feat!My question is, this little 11 year old hellion had to get her training to be so bitter from somewhere. Where exactly was it? I doubt the standard \”she got it from watching TV\” excuse works here, otherwise we’d all be entertained by stories like this every day.

  4. Not Surprised…One evening not long ago i was on my way back home from Stateline after a quick hit & run Trip. We allways pull into the Shell station to get gas and Jack tacos for the ride home, when Lighting struck the power pole just outside the parking lot…Lit the dame thing up like a Roman candle, knocked power out of the whole Town…We sat in the car watching it burn while we ate our goodies. It was kindof like the Burning Man Festival, just without the Man….My posts means nothing really, just remember never to get out of your car, the ones who live there are strange and i hear they eat Gamblers….Have you ever seen them hold a Ritual around that dam Thermometer?….Scary stuff….And what kind of name is Bun-Boy for an eating Establishment anyways?

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