Baby, You Know I Can’t Forget You

So yeah, I’ve been gone. But it’s been for three good causes: money, chicks, and money. Money, of course, being a precursor to more chicks, obviously. If it hasn’t been working on one universities website, its been going out with the ladies, or Killbot’s birthday, where we attempted to hook up with random hot LA chicks.

In fact, while we were at Killbot’s birthday shenanigans, I inadvertantly called one really hot girl an idiot while I was flirting with her. She was stoked on the fact that I’m a registered Republican, and lamented the fact that a Republican in L.A. is very hard to find. I countered that it is even more difficult to find a Republican who knows what they are talking about. Case in point is anyone who hates Michael Moore, but knows nothing of the man, his books, articles, movies, tv shows, etc. I stated that anyone in this category was a complete moron and not worth wasting time talking to. Yeah, she got pretty frosty after that comment. Guess which category she admitted falling into?

Although that was nowhere near as bad as when I made a nice racially horrific comment towards Killbot (he’s a Jew, I was raised Christian, so savior-killing jokes are always passed around between us) while he was flirting with a fellow child of Abraham. Now see, it’s not my fault. I always bring the Hebrew-ladened funny when I’m drunk, and this was no exception. The girl clearly set it up by talking trash on goyim, and when Killbot stated that he always gets picked on, she responded with “don’t worry man, because we’re the chosen people, right?”

This is where I slurred “Chosen for what, the oven?”

Yeah, everyone swears that she didn’t hear me, which is probably for the best. But everyone else did. And that made all the difference. Good thing we weren’t at Jerry’s Famous Deli.

A fun night was had by all. Even Killbot, who threw up all over a bathroom stall, and a car.

Whoops. Additions:

Bolt: and it would be great to put up the voice message i left for killbot about holding his key ring hostage for alcohol… need to hear it…hilarious
Sharkey: i should!
Bolt: i told him i was holding his leatherman hostage until he brings back our alcohol..and then you said in the backgroud, “or brings back our savior!”
Bolt: funny times

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Michael MooreYou don’t have to see very much of his work to know he is an idiot. He supports anti-gun lobbyists, they intend to help the criminals, therefore they are no better then the criminals. Anyone who owns guns, or even likes guns would be a fool not to vote for Bush.

  2. uhhlets not start another debatethe epicentre of the article was clearly the holocaust referenceheres another random line you coulda used instead of the oven thing\”chosen people? seems to me you got jewed on that one\”ahaha, i dont even get it

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