Awww… That’s Cute

[ Doom 3 For Mac – February 28th ] – That’s so adorable. You poor Mac’ies are catching up! That’s only a 7 month difference between you and the PC! Next thing you know, you’ll have Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas on your little Grape flavored workhorse. And you’ll be a grandparent by that point, kudos to you!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I dont even haveGTA:San Andreas is not even out for PC’s yet….Those playstation bastards are still holding onto the license like a fat chick holding a box of donuts.

  2. I was speakingin a hypothetical future where a Mac user would be playing it on his G8, so yes, by then, we would have had it.

  3. Macs.I have about as much fun laughing at people and their Macs as I do with people who have vases on their dashboards.Because they’re the same people, it’s less work. And I’m lazy.

  4. …Funny. I bought my Mac to get work done, not play games. And the work, my friend, is getting done.You see, we get less distracted from being superlative when we don’t have games to play on our 30\” LCD screens.

  5. What a buffoon\”You see, we get less distracted from being superlative when we don’t have games to play on our 30\” LCD screens.\”What’d you pay for that? 10 centillion dollars? Shutup.

  6. broke assesThe people that bitch about Mac’s are the people that can’t afford them. I can build a Athlon for 300 bucks, but it will never be a Mac.

  7. The truth he speaks…qutoe: The people that bitch about Mac’s are the people that can’t afford them. I can build a Athlon for 300 bucks, but it will never be a Mac.^^^ Absolutely 100% right. I have a Mac and a PC by my desk. I use them both every day. The Mac is a workhorse. Its quite old and its hardware is dying slowly, but the OS is simply a superior environment for getting work done. The PC is for games, of course. 🙂

  8. Mac people are like people who drive slow cars.Mine’s better! Mine’s faster! Mine doesn’t crash!Then you beat them at their own game and they cry fowl. Wah! Wah! Shaddap.Hey – I use Macs too. But only because I have to. I don’t feel like spending a fucking week looking for software. Or paying a shitload of money just to get the thing to do what freeware or apps I can buy off a shelf at some hick store in the middle of nowhere can do. And sorry – 5% of the market is a hiccup… hardly a niche.And yes – I hate Windows too. But I’ll take a stable WinOS environment ANYDAY. If you have a WinPC and you keep fucking it up – it’s not the OSes fault. User error. At least you can;t go and delete .dlls on a Mac. Mac = idiot proof computing. So go buy your Mac and get the fuck off the support lines and free my support guys up for serious shit. I don’t care if you have three burnt LCDs on your monster monitor. We’re trying to work here. 😛

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