Uh-oh! Looks like Tom Cruise and my ex-wife Katie Holmes might have been informed by their publicists that the charade is no longer in their best interests. In other words, things are apparently on the rocks.
With a new year beginning, Cruise “decided to take the opportunity to mend fences with the family of his fiancée, Katie Holmes,” according to the upcoming issue of Life & Style Weekly. It didn’t go so well.
“Tom and Katie ended up leaving — three days earlier than planned,” according to a “close friend” of Cruise. “Katie was in tears, but that’s standard when it comes to dealing with family matters and Tom.”
I might have personal stake in this one, but I certainly hope that this bullshit is over. I’ve never believed it for a second, because it’s quite obvious that Tom is either gay, or completely asexual. At least I could believe that Chris Klein was putting the dick to her. If I had to put down hard cash, I’d bet heavily that Tom’s assault on Oprah was the closest he’s come to heterosexual sex in at least a year. And the poor fucker was whaling it, at that!
Still, there will always be another shitty celebrity couple to dominate the news right around the corner. As soon as Tomkat hits the skids, Paris Hilton will start dating Haley Joel Osmet or something equally ridiculous. Then the cycle will start anew. Ah Hollywood… why the fuck do we bother?