Just Don’t Call Me, Bitches

by on May 15, 2006 @ 11:00 pm

Skype Offers Free Calls To All Landlines/Mobiles In US/Canada

Yes. It is really very, very free. There’s no prepayment, no minimum use, no subscription, no monthly fee, no nothing. You just download and install Skype and then you start calling. Both the caller and the number called must be in either the US or Canada. There are no strings attached.

The only condition is that we have said free SkypeOut within the US and Canada is guaranteed to last until the end of this year — that is, until December 31, 2006. We’re not quite sure yet what we will do after that. Maybe we extend the free period, maybe not. You’ll hear more about this towards the end of the year.

What, No Casino?

by on @ 9:37 pm

The grand canyon skywalk is… insane.

Step out onto the new Skywalk, and only a few sheets of glass will stand between you and a 15-second free-fall to the bottom of the Grand Canyon.

Set to open late this year, this horseshoe-shaped footbridge (commissioned by the Hualapai Indian tribe, which owns the land) will jut 65 feet from the cliff edge and suspend 3,800 feet above the canyon floor, a height more than twice that of the world’s tallest skyscraper.

I’ve never been, but next year it’s going to be a must. This thing might have made ditching Joe Dirt a little easier.

Slice Of The Day: Christina Aguilera

by on @ 2:10 pm

Wow. You’ve gotta love when a chick like Christina Aguilera feels the need to revive her career a little bit. In excellent “remember me?” fashion, she’s graced the pages of GQ wearing nothing but a white sheet and her hands. Fantastic.

This tactic would definitely have the opposite effect if say, Britney Spears gave it a shot. Every time she makes another appearance it just makes me chuckle to think that the Family Guy parody of her, legless from diabetes, will more than likely come to fruition.

The Unthinkable Has Happened

by on May 13, 2006 @ 2:36 pm

A dark day dawns, a cloud of evil looms, and the fourth seal of the apocalypse has been broken. And lo, I looked, and saw that Joan Rivers did something to make me appreciate her existence… and I was frightened. I was frightened.

Somebody hold me. If I can’t hate Joan with 100% of my existence, then this world truly is dead.

Slice Of The Day: Jacinda Barrett

by on May 12, 2006 @ 2:01 am

Jacinda Barrett holds a special place in my uh… heart, as she’s the first Real World chick that I actually got to see naked, who was actually on a season that I watched. Of course, her shitty season was the reason that I halted watching altogether, but that’s beside the point. I forgot what the actual point is though, so let’s just enjoy her gallery quietly while I pop a few pills.

Oh right, Jacinda is going to be in Poseidon this weekend, which will likely suck. But there’s always the chance for full frontal nudity from the cute lil’ Aussie, which I’m totally on board with.

I’m The Juggernaut, Female Dog!

by on @ 12:07 am

Speaking of Brett Ratner (and, sadly, not about what a fucking tool he is) and his lackluster filmmaking abilities (nevermind, I guess we are) there’s a brand-spankin’ new 7-minute clip of X-3 online over at the Dell website. Head on over and enjoy.

Oh, and the only review I’ve seen so far of the flick (sorry for the fatty link) says that it stinks. Not surprising, but I hold on to that last shred of hope.

They Shoulda Nevah Gave You Niggas Money!

by on May 11, 2006 @ 11:50 pm

It’s been a five year joke in Hollywood that Chris Tucker is the actor with the highest price tag possible. A joke, because since he slapped that $25 million clearance tag on his chest, he hasn’t had a single fucking job. Not one. And it seemed like his IMDB profile would stay stuck at Rush Hour 2 (2001) until Jesus called him home, which considering the grosses on that particular film, wouldn’t be such a bad fate.

Until now, that is.

Did you see the reports last week that “Rush Hour 3” was on track at New Line?

The initial stories said that star Chris Tucker had signed on the dotted line for $20 million. But I can tell you that it was more — $25 million, in fact. That may make him and Will Smith the two highest paid actors in the world, with Tucker having a slight advantage.

Before those movies, he had small parts in “Jackie Brown” and “Money Talks,” two 1997 releases. He also appeared in 1997’s “The Fifth Element.”

Wow. He totally doesn’t deserve that kind of cheddar, but kudos to him for actually pulling this crazy fucking scheme off.

E3: DS For Me… S.

by on @ 4:13 pm

I love my DS, it is my evil master. And thus, I must quench its hunger for new blood by feeding it games that I’d occasionally like to kick myself for owning. And now, thanks to E3, the overlord of my digital soul will demand nourishment in new forms. Here’s where my hard (ha!) earned dollars will go sometime later this year:

  • Final Fantasy III – I’m stoked that I never bothered playing a translated emulator of this game. Now I have the express pleasure of trying out its newly revamped 3D form with no prior nostalgia to muck up the works.

    For those of you who haven’t heard, this is not a remake of the US Final Fantasy III. That’s coming out on GBA later this year as well, though. This is the original FFIII (the one that came before IV, which was II here in the US… grab an aspirin) remade in killer 3D and touch screen excellence. According to all of the reports I’ve read, it’s amazing. I can’t wait to get my hands on it.

  • Star Fox DS (video) – Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes.

    Anybody else think that the Gamecube version of Starfox was a complete fucking waste of time? Good, glad to hear it. The SNES and N64 versions were bonafied gold, and the awesome new capabilities of the Gamecube were used to strip away just about every ounce of fun that made the series famous.

    I’m not so sure about the touch screen being used for the entirety of the control scheme, but hey, I’ll give it a shot. Besides, just about every touch-based game Nintendo has released has felt… good. Like, really good. And everyone who’s touched Star Fox DS has come away smiling with glee, so I guess the sucker works.

    At least, it had better fucking work.

  • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass – Duh.

Slice Of The Day: Moran Atias

by on May 10, 2006 @ 11:04 pm

Holy crap in a pile of feta cheese, how have I never heard of Moran Atias before?!?

moran atias

This little Hebrew princess is about all I can stand. I don’t think my penis can want to touch something more than this, this might have just maxed me out for horny bastardness.

…wait, her touching that Elin Grindemyr chick from last week. …alright, nevermind. Maxed out, what the fuck was I thinking?