You lucky bastards. Thanks to my complete laziness yesterday (we’ll get to that) you get not one, but TWO slices today. Try not to asplode.
First up on the roster is Amber Smith.
Amber here has been a model since the tender age of 16. She has now moved on to the admirable B-movie nudie chick milieu, and I can’t thank her enough.
My Friend Named Barrett “Jigaboo”
by Sharkey on May 22, 2006 @ 1:42 pm
FFVII burger joint, as done by Robot Chicken. Those fuckers are actually starting to get on the ball this season.
Slice Of The Day: Katherine Heigl
by Sharkey on May 21, 2006 @ 11:05 pm
Well crap in a hat and make me wear it to dinner, Katherine Heigl finally got naked in a movie? Why was I not informed of this as soon as the footage hit the editing bay? Someone must pay for this.
Oh, and in case you were wondering, the flick is called Side Effects, and it features her… side boobs. I don’t know how else to put it really, as you don’t get to see the puppies full-on. But you do see nipple, and that’s a step up from the no-nipple we’ve been forced to endure over the years. Maybe if we’re good, we’ll get some sort of Wild Things style topless lesbian romp by the time we’re sixty.
Don’t Get Cocky, It’s Gonna Get Rocky…
by Sharkey on @ 12:44 am
Sony’s Reeves: We Don’t Even Need Games To Sell This Bitch
When Sony Computer Entertainment Europe CEO David Reeves admits that “key launch titles” will slip into 2007 he also admits that to Sony, it doesn’t really matter what ships at launch.
“We have built up a certain brand equity over time since the launch of PlayStation in 1995 and PS2 in 2000 that the first five million are going to buy it, whatever it is, even it didn’t have games,” Reeves told Computer and Video Games in an interview. During the same interview, Reeves admits that Heavenly Sword, Motorstorm and Formula One will all see release in early 2007 within the PS3 “launch window.” Insomniac’s gritty World War II shooter (with aliens) Resistance: Fall of Man will be there at launch according to Reeves.
You know what, he’s totally right. I mean after all, Nintendo ran the market for two straight generations, and when the N64 debuted it dominated the… oh wait. Well how about Atari when they released… oh…. well it certainly couldn’t happen with Sony. The PS3 has motion sensors in the controls! Motion! Sensors!
In all seriousness though, the PS3 will probably sell by the assload, in Japan at the very least. Unfortunately for the big S, they’re going to need some sort of killer app to get purchasing dollars from their key demographics. I still haven’t bought an Xbox 360, not for lack of disposable income, but because there’s nothing on it that I need to play. But the Wii has already impressed me enough that I’ll be holding a presell ticket on launch day, by which point I’m sure I’ll own the aforementioned Microsoft hardware. I can’t say for sure that I need a PS3 at launch, and that’s the first time I’ve felt this way for a Sony game console. Ever.
Who would have guessed a month ago that public interest in the US would have swayed this drastically?
Fuck Brett Ratner
by Sharkey on May 19, 2006 @ 3:07 pm
OK… so that’s it for X-Men 3. Time to send some monkeys to tear Ratner’s eyes out of his sockets and insert them into his anus so he can see something comparable to the kind of shit he’s been forcing us to endure over the years.
They obviously cut the bit where he’s supposed to add “bitch,” but you get the idea. Good God almighty, is this going to be terrible.
Speaking of terrible, this Aquaman preview smells about as bad as a rank Atlantean pussy.
Slice Of The Day: Rachel Bilson
by Sharkey on May 18, 2006 @ 11:02 pm
I haven’t watched an episode of “The O.C.” all season, because… well frankly because Floyd’s massive projector broke down. Still, we’re all plotting to sit around and enjoy the excellently absurd show with the appropriate drinking rules once the DVD comes out. And I will repeatedly salivate over Rachel Bilson just like everyone else.
Please, someone convince her to do softcore. Topless. Anything. Please. Soon.
Say Que?
by Sharkey on @ 10:39 pm
English The Official US Language
Lamar AlexanderThe Senate voted 63 to 34 to establish English as the national language and require all government operations be conducted in English unless there was specific exemption in the law.
“To make this land of immigrants truly one country, we must have and honor our national language, our common language, and that language is English,” said Lamar Alexander.
I can only imagine the shitstorm in the morning. It’d be nice if this were actually able to be enforced, but it’s a fair start.
YouTube Does My Job For Me
by Sharkey on @ 4:42 pm
Somebody lost their job over that one. Speaking of which…
Crazy-ass Weatherman – I’ve seen this dude before, but Bongy filled me in on his latest exploits.
Slice Of The Day: Audrey Tautou
by Sharkey on May 17, 2006 @ 9:27 pm
That cute little french chick from Amelie is going to be in The DaVinci Code, which might be the first flick I actually see in theaters this year.
…God it’s been a sad year for movies. Anyway, on to Audrey Tautou…
I heard that she’s going to quit acting because she’s been getting “too famous.” I wonder if that chick who played Nadia in the American Pie flicks also feels that her “star power” is burning too brightly?
Slice Of The Day: Keeley Hazell
by Sharkey on May 15, 2006 @ 11:01 pm
Remember the Bundy Creedo:
Hooters, hooters, yum yum yum.
Hooters, hooters, on a girl that’s dumb.
Keeley Hazell and her fabulous mamms just graced FHM in the UK, and… wow.
In case of a water landing, I’m grabbing Keeley and holding on for dear life.