There’s not really going to be Plinko on the PSP. God doesn’t like us that much. But we do get this bit of excellent news, which really revs my engine.
Welcome to 2.71, oh wait you haven’t updated yet? That won’t matter anymore with the latest release of Devhook 0.44 Booster has enabled emulation of the full PSP 2.71 firmware via Devhook which can run on your 1.50 PSP. This amazing update will finally allow you to run Flash on your PSP (flash 6) not to mention the full support of all 2.71 features and games. What a trip. Thankfully with developers like Booster, the PSP community can rest assured that our 1.50 PSP’s will be “feature friendly” and compatable with everything that Sony currently has to offer… at least until the next firmware update…
Fanfuckingtastic. Like I need something else to keep me from posting.
Slice Of The Day: Gisele Bundchen
by Sharkey on July 11, 2006 @ 11:02 pm
Who doesn’t love a nice eyeful of the delectible Gisele Bundchen? Gay people, that’s who. And you’re not one of them gays, are you? Are you? ARE YOU?
…except for Baaron. And maybe my cousin, but we haven’t confirmed that yet.
Speaking of gay people, what the shit is this all about? (thanks Bongy)
A leaflet distributed in several neighborhoods in Jerusalem offered NIS 20,000 to anyone who kills participants in the International Gay Pride Parade scheduled to take place in Jerusalem next month.
Look, sexuality doesn’t even come into play in this matter. Gay, straight, black, white, martian… if somebody pays me the equivalent of $5K US for killing anonymous douchebags in another country, my only question is “How much is a fucking plane ticket?!?”
Microsoft Outgays Apple
by Sharkey on @ 7:56 pm
I don’t care how fucking cool the device is, it can suck my dick and cook my dinner for all I care. I am not carrying around something called the “Zune”.
Now if it sucks my dick and plays with the balls, I’ll consider it.
God Does Like Me!
by Sharkey on July 10, 2006 @ 1:34 pm
Natalie Portman had better not be teasing us like that Closer debacle. She has yet again decided to shed her clothes on film.
The film is a historical drama which focuses on the revered artist Francisco Goya. Portman plays the artist’s muse, who becomes wrapped up in a controversy after being accused of being a heretic by a Monk. Portman will appear nude during the movie’s torture scenes.
My wang remains skeptically optimistic.
…vertically skeptically optimistic.
Slice Of The Day: Lindsay Lohan
by Sharkey on @ 11:36 am
New Lindsay Lohan gallery from GQ, and it looks like the girl put down the blow and ate a ham sammitch for once, because her boobs are back! Sweet merciful Christmas, it is a good day.
Memories. Now if she’d influence the Olsen Twins to have a panini and ditch the hobo-wear, I’d declare a national holiday and we could all go home for the afternoon. I can do this. Don’t question it.
This Hy-Rules. Ha…. Heh. *sigh*
by Sharkey on July 9, 2006 @ 10:40 am
Zelda on a Graphing Calculator
Pretty fucking rad. Makes me wish I still had one.
The Internet: Rewarding Innovative Laziness
by Sharkey on @ 10:10 am
Wow, the little red paperclip dude finally did it. (thanks BW)
He bartered all the way up to an afternoon with rock star Alice Cooper, a KISS snow globe and finally a paid role in a Corbin Bernsen movie called Donna on Demand.
Now, the town of Kipling, Sask., located about two hours east of Regina with a population of 1,100, has offered MacDonald a farmhouse in exchange for the role in the movie.
Damn. And the rest of us sit here scratching our balls and wondering where we can get more free porn. Kudos to you, you innovative little shit.
Quick Note
by Sharkey on July 7, 2006 @ 2:20 pm
It’s been a busy week, for comedically tragic reasons that I will detail in pictorial form in a moment, but before I get to that and my thoughts on Pirates, let me just leave you all with this thought:
If you didn’t give a shit about soccer before this summer, you have no Goddamned right to speak about it. Sure, we may be in the land of the free and the home of the brave, but it’s going to be the land of the me stabbing you in the fucking mouth if I have to hear one more person tell me their opinion on France, Italy, Germany, or any other fucking country that wants to kick that little ball around for 90 minutes. If you’re an American, you immediately hate France, laugh at the stereotype of national penile abbreviation that plague the Jerries, and… I dunno, lust after the Italians. Beyond that, it doesn’t fucking matter, unless you’ve been a lifelong “futbol” fan, in which case… good for you, and your patience. Have a Newcastle on me.
Thank you for your time. Uh… go Arsenal. That’s… uh, that’s a a team, right?
by Sharkey on July 6, 2006 @ 10:30 am
Even though I could do the job with software and some extra time, I really freakin’ want one of these bitchin’ iPod video docks. Even if it is $200, I think it’d make sweet delicious video love to my Tivo. The video options make me suspicious though, I’d certainly let one of my spend-happy associates pick one up first, so that I can inspect the goods first hand.
Speaking of goods, Microsoft just informed the music-loving populace that they will be offering free compatible versions of any songs that you have purchased on Itunes if you use their upcoming MP3 player. The ability to update the device wirelessly is also a pretty nifty selling point. If nothing else, this will help to push Apple to innovate further. Either way, I get bitchin’ tech at lower prices. Yay capitalism!
More Hoff
by Sharkey on July 5, 2006 @ 10:21 am
I thought the bastard could fly though…
As soon as I saw those blinking KITT lights, I prayed for the button to come into play. And lo, God did heed my humble request.