Sometimes the Internet sucks the life out of you. Sometimes it sucks the life out of your penis. And then, there are some days, where you are very, very glad to have it.
It’s gonna be one of those days.
So did the bride finally get a sense of humor about the situation, or did she and the videotaping bridesmaid have a falling out? Based on what I know of women, the latter is the smarter bet.
Oh, and this is the best worst invention I’ve ever seen. Poor cat.
Friday Pun-Fest
by Sharkey on January 26, 2007 @ 4:04 pm
From Cap’n Terror: Rabbi Yells “Cut!” Over Porn Flick
Yesterday, Tight Fit Productions of Van Nuys, Calif., the purveyors of “Assraelis,” which was shot entirely in Israel with all-local talent, and in Hebrew (with, uh, English subtitles), received a cease-and-desist order letter from a lawyer representing Rabbi Yehuda Rosenbaum of KOF-K Kosher Certification, a New Jersey company that puts its stamp of approval on Kosher goods. Tight Fit’s DVD-cover claim of Israeli authenticity is accompanied by a Hebrew letter normally reserved for rabbi-ordained meats, grains, and other foodstuffs.
KOF-K’s lawyer says that Tight Fit is using the symbol “illegally” in violation of State and Federal Law, and plans to sue “if the situation is not rectified as quickly as possible.” Oren Cohen, the owner of Tight Fit, finds the action “funny,” but will modify the cover art before the film’s release next week — to satisfy what he calls the “very nice” rabbis.
No word from Cohen, who himself does not observe the Kashrut, on whether, despite their Kosher claims, meat and milk products were mixed during the making of “Assraelis.”
OK, you know the drill. Best pun for the situation wins. I’ll start us off:
So was it denied Kosher status because of all the porking?
Now you do better.
Assraelis Box Art
by Sharkey on @ 3:59 pm
Must Be “Take A Worm For A Walk” Week!
by Sharkey on @ 3:09 pm
These are videos that you must see. I demand it. I figure that since it’s Friday, nobody really wants to do anything productive anyway, so why not collect some diversionary videos to help terminate your employment in a swift an efficient manner.
- No More Kings – “Sweep The Leg”
Mr. Belding, the entire Cobra Kai lineup, and eventually, Ralph Macchio. - Idol.
From Bongweasel. Nothing can prepare you for this. Just watch it. If you watch just one video that I’ve posted here, this should be it. - College Saga
From Wrongforum/Jeff. Pretty funny and well done Final Fantasy mockery. - Woman Drives Through Gate
Actually saw this on Attack of the Show as I was in the middle of posting it. If I had tits like Olivia Munn I’d give me a show too.
If you’ve got anything to add, you know where to send it.
by Sharkey on @ 1:14 pm
by Sharkey on @ 1:13 pm
by Sharkey on @ 1:13 pm
Tattoine Was Constantinople
by Sharkey on @ 12:41 pm
Anybody remember the Turkish Star Wars knockoff we were all talking about a couple of years ago? Well now you can watch it in full, for free.
God bless America. Or Turkey. Ooh, turkey sounds good.
Meh Of The Day: Paris Hilton
by Sharkey on @ 12:33 pm
Wow. Paris Hilton has been caught up in controversy yet again. Not only that, but the scandal revolves around another set of sexually explicit tapes on the internet featuring her naked bits. Oh me, oh my, what a surprise this is.
Wake me up if she ever shows up on video getting sodomized by an elephant while her sister holds the camera, because that’s the only way I’ll be surprised by her whorishness anymore. But, since you guys like nudity:

From what I understand, the videos that have been released are just the tip of the iceberg, so… like I said… let me know about the elephant.
Paris Hilton: Still A Whore
by Sharkey on @ 10:55 am
screencap from paris hiltons new sex tape