Christmas Song

by on December 24, 2002 @ 5:54 pm

Every year, I say to myself that I’m gonna post a Christmas song a day during December for the first 25 days (with the occassional Channukah song here and there as appropriate) and then I get too damn lazy and don’t do it. I mean, the Kevin & Bean CDs alone are a wealth of bands I like doing Christmas songs, nevermind any/all other sources at my disposal. However, at least this year you get one more song than I did before. I think that this song just describes how I feel. Enjoy.

Mr. Garrison – Merry Fucking Christmas

Pre-IMAX Discussion

by on December 21, 2002 @ 11:20 pm

Alright Tink and I are discussing where we’re going to eat dinner in LA on Monday when I go up there for the IMAX showing of Attack Of The Clones (with all the crap editted out thank God). His vote is Mongorian Hut, and mine is Pink’s. My logic is that they have Mongorian places around here, but Pink’s is LA-Only. So then the discussion is…

Breaker1258: Sides, need to get monfuckingolian and see someIMAX-sized yoda ass whoopins
ORI0N37: fuck that – P i N k s!!
Breaker1258: I dont eat shit, remember?
ORI0N37: yeah you do, don’t lie
Breaker1258: You would be confusing me with bitch cakes again
ORI0N37: oh yeah, you eat bitch cakes not shit
Breaker1258: (sigh* You are making my brain hurt. Hot dogs blow ass
ORI0N37: then they are right up your alley, then, ass blower
Breaker1258: Breaker1258 = Tink
IBlow@$$ = Little Bitch

You are confused, sir.
ORI0N37: i’m still laughing

Gosh I wonder if anyone actually has that AIM name?

Oh, you know, this and that….

by on December 3, 2002 @ 2:56 pm

Well for Thanksgiving I went first to Merced (close to Fresno) to see my father, and then to Vallejo (just north of San Francisco) to see my sister and my adorable neice (who is three now I think…) the day after Thanksgiving. My brother and I drove home Saturday. It was about 7 hours of driving each day (3 1/2 each way from dad’s to sis’s because of the slow ass van we drove to bring my neice some furniture) we drove, which was 3 out of the 4 days of our “vacation.”

OK enough of the boring stuff. We drove past a federal prison on the way to my sister’s house. Who cares, right? I didn’t, either, until about 3 exits past the sign for the prison was Shanks Road and I thought it was sort of amusing at the time….

In the near future, I’ll post in gaming about Neocron, but for now it’s my latest addiction. It’s what we’ve been hoping for and wanting for a few years now: it’s a FPS combined with a MMORPG. That’s right, it’s like Everquest with guns. No, it’s not another shitty Anarchy Online. When you have a gun, and you aim (yes you aim, not just your fuckwad character) and pull the trigger, you shoot. So far, it seems that it’s a “friendlier” shooter game (more of HALO and less of Ghost Recon) but still very enjoyable. The offline demo is free to play on the website. It’s sort of like Deus Ex online. The game is brand new, which is another selling point of playing – you don’t start a game like Everquest at level 1 when level 60+’s dominate the game. Granted, it’s been out in Europe for a few weeks now, so there are those that are higher up, but for the most part everyone is a n00b right now.

My business partner and I got into a discussion about Diet Pills last night. He went on about being on “legalized speed” and I told him to watch Requiem For A Dream. I told him briefly about Ellen’s character and he said that’s the perfect woman for him. Um…. the 65+ geriatric crowd? Yeah, she’s older so she’s “experienced” and if she’s on speed then I bet she fucks like a minx….

Blah blah blah, I’m going out to the BBQ place for my weekly fix and then I’m gonna get on and shoot stuff. Word is bond.

Clerks Funny

by on November 27, 2002 @ 2:29 pm

I sure hope that this is six months old. I mean I really do. It’s fucking funny and I can’t be posting anythine new here, now can I? This is another Flash Animation parody of Clerks, but you knew that already because you’ve seen it, right?

Major props to Teachdaire for this one.

Make wit da clickin’ already!

Renegade Resonance (Mudvayne)

by on November 26, 2002 @ 3:32 am

Well I’m gonna try to breathe life into the Music Section again. I think I should start with one of my new driving songs. I swear I should make a CD of all my favorite driving songs and then sell it. Anyway, this is one of those songs that comes on and if I’m on the freeway, then my usual “conservative” 75 turns into about 90+….

Admittedly, I didn’t care that much for the first Mudvayne album when I first bought it, but after a time it grew on me. The new CD gets played about all the time. This song is the aforementioned driving song.

Mudvayne – Not Falling

Election Day

by on November 5, 2002 @ 2:33 pm

Today is Election Day. I know this only because Purvue’s father is in local politics. Actually, I also know this because as I’m typing this, he’s having a political discussion with another of our roommates about some of the things being voted on today.

Why do I care? I don’t, really. Why should you care? That is up to you. Why don’t I care? I don’t care because I don’t feel I should be allowed to vote. I think this for two reasons. The first is that I’m for the topic of not allowing crazy people to vote. If you can get away with murder because you’re not in control of your decisions, then you shouldn’t be in control enough to vote. I’m legally insane, so I don’t think I should be allowed to vote.

The other reason is a personal one. I don’t think that uninformed (or misinformed) people should be allowed to vote. I honestly don’t care about a lot of things being voted on, so I don’t take the time to learn about what they are. If I don’t know about the things being voted on, why should I be allowed to walk into a voting booth and flip coins to determine how I vote?

I think that the big thing that turned me off to voting was learning about voting. When I learned about the Electoral College and the voting process to elect presidents, I didn’t ever want to waste my time on something meaningless ever again. If you don’t know the difference between the Popular Vote and the Electoral Vote, then you are either too young or you’re an idiot. The bottom line is that when you (or me or anyone but those in the Electoral College) cast a vote for a Presidential Candidate, it means NOTHING. You’re welcome for the lesson in politics.

The Pass

by on October 24, 2002 @ 4:51 pm

proud swagger out of the schoolyard
waiting for the world’s applause
rebel without a conscience
martyr without a cause

static on your frequency
electrical storm in your veins
raging at unreachable glory
straining at invisible chains

and now you’re trembling on a rocky ledge
staring down into a heartless sea
can’t face life on a razor’s edge
nothing’s what you thought it would be

All of us get lost in the darkness
Dreamers learn to steer by the stars
All of us do time in the gutter
Dreamers turn to look at the cars
turn around and turn around and turn around
Turn around and walk the razor’s edge
Don’t turn your back
And slam the door on me

it’s not as if this barricade
blocks the only road
it’s not as if you’re all alone
in wanting to explode

someone set a bad example
made surrender seem all right
the act of a noble warrior
who lost the will to fight

and now you’re trembling on a rocky ledge
staring down into a heartless sea
done with life on a razor’s edge
nothing’s what you thought it would be

no hero in your tragedy
no daring in your escape
no salutes for your surrender
nothing noble in your fate
Christ, what have you done?

Oh, you know, this and that….

by on October 22, 2002 @ 1:34 pm

I’ve been sick the past few weeks. I had pneumonia a few years back so I get it worse and longer. Normally, I don’t care for cold meds. However, I was feeling completely annihilated and went out and bought some cold meds. I picked up a bottle of NyQuil and two packages of TheraFlu – one daytime and one nighttime. Up at the cashier, the guy said I had to pick two and put the third back. Er, why is that? State law. What state law, that’s pretty fucking retarded. The state law that says we can’t sell more than two of something that contains one of the ingredients for crystal meth. Hmmmmm. I still think it’s fucking retarded.

On another note, I live in a town with a dairy. Hollandia Dairy, to be exact. This is the same town I graduated high school from. Yes, I’ve been cow tipping. No, it’s not an urban myth. No, it’s not very amusing after the first time you do it. I digress. There is a BBQ place across the street from the dairy. T & H Barbecue. The place is great. We eat there about once a week, and we’re always pleased with the food. Check it out if you’re Sandy Eggo local. However, the comment that I made the other day is that you’ve gotta love a BBQ place across from a dairy. I mean, it’s like you tell the cows that they had better produce milk or they will be sent across the street….