Make St. Patrick’s Day an Official Holiday

by on March 17, 2003 @ 8:59 pm

*NOTE: I tried posting this to the main page but it didn’t work so hopefully some of you will see it here*

Those oh so wonderful people over at Guinness are trying to make this Holiday an official one. I don’t know about you, but I’m all for having another holiday off. Especially one where the official way to celebrate is to drink massive amounts of beer. You can access the petition Here

Do me a favor though, don’t click on the sweepstakes button, I’d like that keg-o-rator or a sign from my favorite beer brewery.I can think of several bartenders at local bars I visit that need to read this whole fucking page about 20 times until it sinks into their thick skulls that if they don’t pour my damn beer right I’m going to keep sending it back till they learn. It’ll never happen though. I’m just not that lucky.

Bush 2.0

by on @ 8:28 pm

So like many other americans I accidentally stumbled onto Bush’s speech. I had turned on Fox, watched for about 20 seconds before thinking to myself.

WTF? is he Lipsinking? No George no bad move. People will jump your ass for this.

Nope I flipped to NBC and it turns out it was just Fox’s shitty sound was off sync.

All politics aside I think it was a good speech albeit longwinded but I’m sure they had a bunch of speech writer’s all huddled up and examining everyword to make sure it was intelligent and PC.

Just once I’d love to hear a politician speak his mind. You’d never hear George make a statement to Saddam of “Do it or I’ll fucking spank you.”

Actually I’d settle for hearing one of the politicians I work with, tell me something without that feeling of a knife blade slipping between my ribs.

I believe something needs to be done, but I don’t have the attention span to keep myself informed enough to make a statement. “Ignorance is bliss” That doesn’t stop everyone else though does it!!! So here’s what I think should be done.

Oh look Adult Swim is on…

*runs away*

*turns on lights*

by on @ 7:41 pm

This place is dead.
I think one of Sharkey’s Malthion X canisters must’ve leaked. I told him not to store that shit back here in rants.
*kicks Perry’s corpse over*
Oh well no big loss. More room for me and my ego…err desk.