
There’s the “agony of defeat.” And then there’s this women’s ice hockey score from the European Olympic pre-qualifying tournament: Slovakia 82, Bulgaria 0.

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  1. BAMF was my first and fondest E/N site long ago. I don’t know what pushed me to do it, but I decided to check back in and was made more than a little nostalgic upon finding the site still alive.

    Shit, I don’t even know why I’m posting this. But I already wrote it, so I am.

    Long live the past.

  2. It’s going to be devastating for people,” said Cameron Parish emergency preparedness director Clifton Hebert. “We don’t have the wind that Rita brought, but we have at least the same storm surge, if not a little more.”

    In nearby Terrebonne Parish, crews worked to plug at least four breaches. Officials said areas in which Rita inundated 10,000 homes in 2005 were vulnerable again.

    More than 160 people were rescued from flooding Friday, Jindal said.

    About 130 people remained in the fishing community on the barrier island of Grand Isle after storm surge cut off the only road to the mainland, said Gov. Bobby Jindal.

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