Are We Going To Addis Ababa Mistah Lootor?

Oh shit son, it’s new Superman Returns trailer time, and it has daddy very, very horny.

Kevin Spacey as Luthor is fan-fucking-tastic. And regarding any people who have issues with the pretty obviously gay crew (Supes/Lex/director) I say fuck you. If they pull this off and make a decent flick, I don’t care if they’re in a buttfucking conga line at the premiere. Besides, it just gives cynics something else to mock, and considering all of the internet sensetivity regarding Christover Reeve, I’d say having a faggot Supes is just adding fuel to the fire. Be thankful, see the flick, rejoice with me.

…unless it sucks, in which case, I smell a hate crime coming on.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. WowThere’s no way this flick can fail. The plane segment gave me a semi, which is always a good sign.Come to think of it, my wang is the most accurate film reviewer in the universe. Actresses should pray to it.

  2. One man army.As long as Richard Pryor’s likeness isn’t in the flick, we should be just fine. One dead actor is enough per movie.

  3. hum..i like what i see. although i swear the new super seems more weenish then reeve was. but still, looks pretty good. spacy seems to be a good followup for the Hack-Man.

  4. GaynessI’m ok with all the gay as long as they keep it off the screen. Do whatever you want in your personal time, but if Superman and Lex try to pull a train on Jimmy Olsen halfway through the movie, I’m gonna be pissed.

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