Appropriate Sitcom Title

Still no home for “Arrested Development.” My spirits are low.

At this point I’d definitely be willing to pay to see the fucking show. Franklin had so much more potential!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. well at least it has answersthanks for that artical. there’s a shit-ton of stuff flying around about the show and it’s nice to have some straight info on it.sounds like, from the artical, that the show might die at the hands of it’s own executive producer.

  2. Showtime….is run by a dumbass, Robert Greenblatt. Greenblatt canceled one of its highly acclaimed highly rated series on his own network for no reason. Dead Like Me for all reasons should still be on, but its not. Canceled after just 2 season with no good reason from Greenblatt himself I doubt that this dumbass would see what a show like A.D. would do for his network. For a petition to have over 57000 signatures to keep a cable show alive like Dead Like Me has and not even bother to respond to such a following It clearly shows that Showtime is fuckin stupid and does not suprise me that they havent picked it up.

  3. Shhh.. honey.Here’s some cheese with that whine, \”DUDEMASTER.\”I really hope that somebody picks up the show. Though I’m not sure where they’ll go from where they ended season 3.

  4. CapSeason three was clearly ended so that all the storylines were wrapped up (should it be the end of the show) yet opportunities were still available should it continue. It’s pretty obvious where it would go. Lucille would now be the one in jail.

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