Apparently Wrestlers Are Good For Your Dead Pool

Crush - Royal Rumble SNESYet another ill-timed death in the world of the WWE, it seems that Crush (Brian Adams… not that one) has been found dead in his Florida home, according to the Tampa Police.

Adams’ wife called 911 after discovering her husband in bed unconscious and not breathing, but paramedics were unable to revive the 43-year-old World Tag Team champ, who retired from competitive wrestling in 2003 after suffering a spinal injury.

An autopsy is scheduled for Tuesday to determine the cause of death and authorities and an investigation is underway. The police’s incident report states that there were no visible injuries on Adams’ body.

I don’t have many constructive things to say here, but I will say that Crush was a pretty damned good guy to use in the old WWF Royal Rumble game for the SNES. That game was fucking awesome, because it’s the first wrestling game I can remember where you could smash opponents over the head with metal buckets and folding chairs. When I was 13 or so, a friend of mine and I stayed up for three days straight playing games, and Royal Rumble monopolized the majority of that time. Why be a good teammate when you can sneak up behind your own buddy and clock him with a bigass chair? There was something oddly satisfying about that level of betrayal, even as a kid.

Plus that clang noise was just perfect.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Shit, my favorite game was Nintendo Wrestling. Chewing on guys heads with that animal guy was the best.

    Another dead wrestler….pity. I hope this asshole at least had the decency to only off himself this time. Not like that other fucking cock-smoker Benoit taking his goddammed kid with him in his faggy little testosterone induced fit.

    I think wrestling’s day has come and gone. There can’t be that many rednecks that are still into this sport. Most of them have converted to NASCAR.

  2. What a surprise..yet another heavy steroid user dies young. Hopefully this is a sneak preview of what’s going to happen to Barry Bonds in the next five to ten years.

  3. You two are fucking idiots. Steroids had nothing what so ever to do with beniot and considering this guy was 43 is HIGHLY doubtful it had anything to do with crash. Go listen to more media bullshit and go jump off a fucking cliff.

  4. The media! LOL. Yeah, that’s EXACTLY what was the problem with the whole Benoit family murder……..the representation of him by the media. I must have forgotten, the guys a hero.

    Look, jackoff, the guy was a murderer. He was giving HGH to a 7 year old, you fucking moron. I don’t care what kind of “disability” he thought his kid had. He was a apparently psychotic, and probably a closeted homosexual.

    Good news is there’s one less asshole in the world, too bad he had to take most of his family with him.

  5. I think it’s pretty sad that most of the wrestlers I grew up watching are dead.Professional wrestling is a hard way to make a living and these guys get no respect from the mainstream media.With the exception of Benoit,I feel for these guys and their familys.Rest in Peace Crush.

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