Apparently Jesus Wanted Him Slightly Mauled

Too bad he didn’t catch God on a crabby day, because then the story would be twice as hilarious. Still, it’s funny to see a guy get bit by a lion because of his religious zealotry.

…Is zealotry a word?

A man leaped into a lion’s den at the Taipei Zoo on Wednesday to try to convert the king of beasts to Christianity, but was bitten in the leg for his efforts.

“Jesus will save you!” the 46-year-old man shouted at two African lions lounging under a tree a few meters away.

“Come bite me!” he said with both hands raised, television footage showed.

One of the lions, a large male with a shaggy mane, bit the man in his right leg before zoo workers drove it off with water hoses and tranquilizer guns.

Why did Jesus want the lion saved in the first place? I thought beasts didn’t make it through the pearly gates? I’m going to have to bust out the Bible on this one.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Conflicts?From what I’ve heard, Jesus didn’t advocate the use of money either. Like anything else, religion evolves/mutates over time.

  2. Also..How did he know the lion wasn’t already Christian? I mean, if you assume that a lion can be of a particular faith, isn’t it a bit presumtuous to assume its not?

  3. Jesus saves….the rest of you take damage.I guess this lion converter (for lack of better word) failed his reflex save 😛

  4. He was rightI think he was saying jesus would save him from the lion, even if it bit him. Or thats what I would claim in retrospect if I got smashed and did something like that.

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