Anyone Get That $25 Million?

[ Major 9/11 Planning Suspect Arrested With Two Cohorts ]

And according to the FBI files, it was on one of his two “used birthdays.” Happy birthday asshat, we’re sending you an orange jumpsuit and some cigarettes you can use to purchase some quality time with your anal virginity for a few more days. You’ll miss it when it’s gone.

Actually, what do we do with these poor fellas? Would they go to camp X-ray, if there even is still a camp X-ray? I’ve been sort of neglecting this whole end of the debacle, so pardon my (and the rest of the US, for the most part) ignorance on this occasion.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. whadda ya mean?What do u mean what do we do with them? Execute them, that’s what. But in a creative way like duct taping a firehose in their assholes and pumping them full of battery acid. Teach those bastards not to fuck with America.

  2. I thinkThat camp x-ray has been replaced with a more permenant ‘Camp Tango’or something similar. Since no change on the PoW/not Pow issue. Basicly the US was right when it thought that everyone would forget about them.

  3. Camp X-RayYou are corret that the name has changed. However, it has been renamed ‘Camp Trogdor’. There he will be burninated to death.

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