Any Time You Have The Pulpit, Use It…

…to make a a complete ass of yourself. My personal favorite:

Sean Penn

“I think that people like the Howard Sterns, the Bill O’Reillys and to a lesser degree the bin Ladens of the world are making a horrible contribution [to society]. I’d like to trade O’Reilly for bin Laden. [O’Reilly] is a grumpy, self-loathing joke,” Penn told the magazine.”

Because getting Bin Laden for O’Reilly would be AWESOME! TOTALLY AWESOME!

Just some light reading to brighten your day.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. *sigh*Sean Penn is a dipshit.But do feel free to take a whack at him anytime, Sharkey!…..though Sean’d probably like that. :-\

  2. jesusYou’d think they would have shut their damn mouths when the Iraqis welcomed us as liberators. Seriously, how much more does it take for them to understand that we’re the good guys, and terrorists are the bad guys? Christ I fucking hate these guys.

  3. I can’t believe you actually read a site like the one that quote came from, Sharkey. Even the name of the site is beyond stupid, as if a dissenting opinion equals being a traitor. They need to fucking grow up.

  4. DissentI don’t give a shit about dissenting opinions, I give a shit about idiocy. And that page is chock full of it, with links to the articles from which the quotes originated. I don’t care what they do on the rest of the site, I’m here for the funny.

  5. ThanksHey Sharkey. thanks for the link man. I help run that site and we are always looking for new idiots. If you ever find any shoot an email to me at [email protected]. Thanks again man. I think you may rememberme btw. I ran a site called Pimpshack. Was friends with Raygun when I lived in Chicago. Anyways thanks again.

  6. what a fantastic site, I agree that anyone that doesn’t agree with the government should be labeled a traitor, its that spirit of freedom that also should be forcibly dictacted to any other country that annoys the US as well.

  7. you’re all missing the pointThe joke wasn’t about it was about sean penn being an idiot.

  8. Well…… if you stop and think for a moment, I wonder if people would want O’Reilly off the air if it meant we’d get Bin Laden in custody. I’d make that trade. Of course, Sean Penn seems to think U/OBL’s made a bigger contribution to society than Howard Stern or O’Reilly, so that’s not what he meant, and he’s an idiot.

  9. Same IdeaBin Laden and O’Reilly, both a form of Extremist, both preach intolerance, both breed hatred for certain group of people.Hey, I’m not fan of Bin Laden either, but just cause O’Reilly’s not blowing shit up, don’t mean he’s not just as destructive. That entire damn midwest is full of sheep that believe everything that guy spouts outta his mouth.Every \”group\” has got their idiots, Sean Penn, Charlton Heston, Kid Rock, all have their views, and they’re full of ignorance, but they ain’t preachin intolerance.

  10. every group has their idiotsAnd the morons have DewsCool. Seriously, how can you take yourself seriously if you say the sentence \”just cause O’Reilly’s not blowing shit up, don’t mean he’s not just as destructive.\” By definition he’s not as destructive. I’ll admit he preaches extreme right views, but that doesn’t include car bombings, gun fights, executions without trial, hijacking, mass murder, destruction of foreign property, and committing acts of war. And we’re not even touching on saddam’s crimes yet. Now granted, I would also gladly have O’Reilly off the air if it meant we would get osama in custody, but that’s not what penn was saying.

  11. *Sigh*I’m sick of the war itself and the arguments about the war. I’m glad there have been few casulties, but I am disappointed in the way this war was handled from day one. Iraq is NOT who we should be after right now, although they should not be completely ignored either. For some reason this country was immediately brainwashed into thinking that Hussien = Bin Laden. You all honestly believe between the United States Military, the CIA, and the NSA that we can’t find one crazy towel head living in a cave somewhere? Bullshit. Plain and simple bullshit. Just like the war we’re fighting…or is it over now, I stopped watching the news, it makes me hurt on the inside.I’m also tired of this narrowminded crap about if you don’t support the war then you’re unpatriotic and a traitor. No, I just have a different opinion. I want our troops to come home safely. But I see a big divide in this country because of this war, and unless you want the next war to be here and of the Civil variety I suggest everyone including myself shuts the fuck up, waits for the next ding dong in office and then go destroy North Korea. Or does no one care about Nuclear devices anymore? If you’ll excuse me I’m going to go sit on the roof and watch the world end for the next few years.~Alana~

  12. oh I forgotBin Laden was on one of those planes then? Was he driving it remotely? I think you fail to see the \”talking head\” nature of both of those people. They’re both cowards that hide behind their own brand of extremeism and allow idiots to interpret them as free reign to promote intolerance. You think no middle eastern members of our country have been victim to \”Patriotism\”?

  13. Oh My God…..I sit here reading a web page designed by a guy to make people laugh…..yet everytime he even remotely touches the subject of this \”war\” it becomes a political page and he gets more reponses then on any other subject…but what really gets me it the ungodly amount of doomsday preminations…..don’t you guys find it ironic the the war isn’t really what everybody is scared of….it W.M.D. right?I mean everybody is all foe kickin the crap out of some small ass piece-of-shit-middle-of-nowhere country when they have what we want until they find a way to maybe protect what they beleve to be rightfully thiers against the worlds premier army.Funny also that we’re also the only ones in history to deploy a thermo-nuclear device in a war time.Funny also how now thats considerd a war’s like we do it to win…someone esle does it (maybe not even better)…then we call it a crime against humanity and kick thier weak (monatarily) up and down the side walk I’m sure the guy that though up the Trojan Horse didn’t mean it for peacful purposes and the people it was used on probably didn’t like it…and im almost posivtive that though that shit would be the end of the world.all im trying to say is it doesn’t matter weather or not you support this war or not because you don’t matter…i don’t matter and anybody preaching on thisd site about this shit doesn’t matter and isn’t going to change a damn thing about it, and frankly any humor and fun-making that can be done should be…especally for the poor bastards that were stupid enough to sign up for that shit.Jiggatrinity needs to remeber that bombs blow up and guns fire..and as long as this world spins on oil those bombs will continue to blow and the caps will be busted in somebodys bitch assjust be glad it’s not yours.



  16. I AM SAM *Drools and stabs chestWow. He’s really throwing the punches now. Sean Penn’s only talking shit about Howard Stern because Stern rips him a new asshole just about every day for being a douchebag.

  17. Geegollie!I happen to like full bushes. When yer bumpin da fuzzies and yer pubies get caught in the pussy’s fuzz and play pubic tug-of-war it brings on overall sense of \”hell yea\”. It’s a celestial experience, and one that no one should be denied of. So no shaving the vagina plz. Thanks.

  18. pubesI personally am a fan of the landing strip. Keeps the fuzz nicely out of my teeth while creating a tug-o-war, as daymoon so eloquently put it.

  19. site/war/pennJOFLOW : I got no prob with dissenting opinions. But Bin Laden is a coward and a terrorist and a mass murderer. I don’t think O’Reilly compares, no matter how much he sucks.Penn is a traitor if he’d rather give Bin Laden a show than have O’Reilly on the air… and who are you accusing of wanting to shutup dissenting opinions? You accuse that site… and you accuse Sharkey… but you turn a blind eye to the fact that Penn wants O’Reilly off the air because he doesn’t suck hollywood’s anti-war cock. Yea… you’re a fucking genius.As to the war : Who gives a damn, it’s over, tons of Iraqis dancing in the street. You go tell them to take Saddam back and you might have a leg to stand on. =)

  20. UhhhI wish one of you numbfucks would tell me where and when O’Reilly has \”preached intolerance\”. Quotes with sources would be nice. I wish you people were smart enough to go listen to a Bin Laden tape. He’d call your mother a whore and stone her. Yea… we’ll take him! Morons.

  21. Hmmm…What about the comments O’Reily made about Ludacris’ pepsi commercial which had the effect of Pepsi rebuking the ad altogether which then caused Russel Simmons to start a national boycott against Pepsi whom THEN started to listen to the demands of Simmons (i’m not sure if all were met yet). I can’t really think of anything else, and I don’t care. I rule. Find your own sources you lazy asshole. bling bling.

  22. UhhhWhy should I waste time looking for things that don’t exist?And a lot of people say Ludacris’ music is misogynist… etc etc. But that’s ok, because they are on the left. If a conservative says it, he’s just a racist. You apparently don’t even know what racism and intolerance are.

  23. The ring of stupidity in this thread…This site hasn’t been funny in months, and its looking very doubtful that it will EVER be funny again. The main draw now is to see the various factions of idiots bicker over politics after every post. Its pure comedic gold, my friends. If Sharkey had any fucking sense in his Creatine addled mind, he would have let the site die a long time ago, but no, the greedy motherfucker is trying to milk his fifteen minutes of Interweb fame for all its worth.

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