1. It’s not that badHey, I’m having a blast in the game. Once you get in a groove it’s all good

  2. Lucas ArtsI’ve been playing video games for long damned time….like like 17 out of 23 years.at the age of 12 i started gettign in to computers and computer games. In all those years i’ve yet to see Lucas Arts produce a game (besides the Jedi Knight series) that was up to par with the possibilitys of their storyboards and the overall kickassness of the Star Wars saga.Now that being said how many time is lucas arts going to try and release half-assed games that try to ride on Lucas’s name instead of shelling out a few more bucks and really kickin some motherfuckin ass.P.S. Planetside kick motherfuckin ass beotchs.

  3. Anger is indeed a giftand I would rather talk about the saddening break up of RATM than SWGSHITMMORPG. So, how about audioslave? Eh.

  4. LucasArtsHsing, you seem to be forgetting about Zak McKracken. That was LucasArts, and that kicked ass.

  5. LucasArtsWhat about Sam & Max, Day of the Tentacle, and Full Throttle? Those ruled. So did Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis. Quit your whining.

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