And they keep saying Bush is dumb

With the large “anti-war” protests that took place over the weekend organized by such notable groups as Ramsey Clark’s communist backed A.N.S.W.E.R I wished that I could have been there to ask some of these protestors the hard questions that the mainstream media seems unable to do. Luckily for me and for you the folks at Brain Terminal decided to do just that. Watch this video and make your own determination about just how S.M.R.T your average anti-war protestor is. Link Here

The common trend of course is that Bush is bad, this is a war for Oil, we need to stop the 12 year long “rush to war” etc etc etc. Todays peacnik has nothing on his ancestors of the 60’s. Even while stoned out of their minds they managed to get their point across and stay on message. Today’s wanabee’s can’t even spell “UN” it seems.

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  1. i’ll tell you what!!!hey Godamniti have freinds who died….or should know i can appericate your point of view on the treehuggers Sharkey…but this shit is a bit more serious then \” just go there and kill them.\”I have a friend who went to fight in one of those many stupid pointless \”skirmishes\” in the middle east, and i’ll tell you what it is about oil…it always has been and it always will be.ever since we got involved over there our motives have been clear as day…protect out assets at any cost.Including the ruination of an already war torn country to the \”accidental\” breach of homeland security that spawned the whole 9/11 holiday ( which by the way has a better turn out then christmas, if you’re trying to thow a party).But none the less the chemicals and diseases and all that shit are real..and there’s no way to cure bleeding lungs when the doctors can’t fuckin figure out what is causing it, or when your friend shaves his head to be shipped out and comes bcak not able to grow hair evenly on his head’s fucked up man and it would be nice if the little people like yourself could appericate the fact that you still get to grow hair normaly and if your lungs bleed it’s probably from smoking too much pot yourself(i used to get it for you and Mark)Peace people…and i know we’ll fight but the question is not weather or not we should go to war…the question is what are you going to do about it when it happens?Frankly I pretty sure the only thing you can do is sit back and post on your web page.Now im not tryin to \”dis \” you all im sayin is there are real human lives at stake here and some of us readers know them.You would be kind to keep that in mind.

  2. Guh…Hey… Hsing, I’m readying to go fight in one of those stupid pointless \”skirmishes\” in the middle east. If you’re friends didn’t know, or weren’t ready to accept the risks of serving their country, that’s all on them.I’ve been thinking a lot about Iraq and Saddam lately. There are many parallels to be drawn between pre-WWII Germany and Iraq today. Only this time, the US in not all about isolationism. Sure we’re going for Oil, sure we’re going to protect our interests. WHO ELSE WILL?

  3. Teh Funney.Dear Lord, I’ve never seen so many dumb people in one place since I last watched the DNC Convention in 1996.

  4. Slow down smart guynice job Hsing!, your bashing Sharkey for a post that FaaQ made… that and your about as coherent as a lunatic.And Clark is absolutly right, there hasn’t been a draft yet, anyone who is in the millitary right now is there because they want to be.

  5. HahahahHsing: I would insult your intelligence but you did a pretty good job all by yourself. I don’t think I could elaborate on your lack of ability to grasp even the most simplistic of logical concepts such as \”an all volounteer force\”. Last time I checked the \”draft\” had not been active since the early 70’s. Once again the \”anti-war\” crowd proving just how SMRT they really are. Keep up the good work brainchild.

  6. hehe.damn, those protesters are ignorant. sometimes i wonder if they even know what they’re protesting. damn hypocrites. you too hsing.

  7. nice edit jobit’s pretty easy to make any group of people look stupid with a careful edit job. i’m sure one could have stood out at the same protest with a camera and made the crowd look like the most informed people on the planet.the truth is probably somewhere inbetween.with that said, i thought the video was pretty funny.

  8. My 2cIts not like Hsing doesnt make a valid point- never forget the (rough) numbers of lives being sacrificed to whatever principle you fight for. Not that this makes war WRONG NEVER THE SOLUTION, but it should make one consider if the principle of the war is absolutly rock solid. Containment certainly sounds like a reasonable policy- until you do the CBA of the Vietnam war (sorry to bring up that hoary old anti-war chestnut, only for illustrative purposes)Re protecting US national security: the fact remains that any oppugnatory stance leading to a long-term occupation of Iraq and the installation of a US-friendly government instead of a quick ‘kill Saddam and fuck off’ (which really doesnt make much difference, if its about oil; might make some difference if its purely about WMD [debatable, cant be arsed to do so]) is going to lead to a serious national security problem. Iraq is a secularly run dictatorship with a suprisingly asecular populace; installing anything other than a theocracy (a no-no, imo, assuming a US-friendly theocracy could possibly result) is likely to result in a rabid swing towards militant (as oppsed to represed) Islam… which has obvious repecussions. The US and UK governments’ justifications for war have been confused and not necessarily harmonious. The issue of WMD is… contentious at best. After passing 1441, the US has looked as though it has assumed that Iraq would not comply- somewhat harsh, given that it is an opportunity to comply. The ‘breaches’ have been due to ommissions and technicalities (al-samoud is a 161 km missile instead of 150km… uhh… so what?) that it IS possible are due to incompetant beurocracy. Thats why I think by far the best suggestion so far has been South Africa’s to lend Iraq its disarmament experts, to help them disarm, IF the wish.If the reason to go to war is to protect US interests; they (the gvrnmts) should say so. The Islamic terrorism side is highly highly tenuous and can probably be discounted. The oil side… well… seems almost as tenuous, given that Iraq isnt threatening to burn its stockpiles, or anything similar.. although oil companies certainly WOULD benefit to pumping the stuff. Thats the reason for the occasionaly-retarded protestors coming out; the reasoning for war has been sloppy. With an unknown casualty count, they prefer better, less vague reasoning.

  9. oh..The ‘anti-war people are all stupid stance’… stupid. I know that had they analysed the London march fully, it would have a huge number of top-class research economists, scientists, and humanitists. (this could, of course, be evidence that professors dont have a freaking clue).

  10. SimpleSeems like a simple case of counting the hits and disregarding the misses. Several people interviewed in his presentation didn’t speak English as their primary language. A great deal of time was spent with the Skeletor guy, who (pardon the pun) was obviously a fucking bonehead. It seems that the questions were weighted and worded such that the average person wouldn’t be able to answer on a dime. Who the hell knows why we didn’t take the oilfields after the first Gulf War? That, of course, is a question that takes a few seconds to answer, because the answer isn’t immediately obvious because the motives weren’t widely reported – that is, increasing international and domestic pressure to get out of Iraq after the primary goal of \”liberating\” Kuwait was accomplished, which is why Bush I \”ended\” the conflict (even though we’ve been bombing Iraq, on average, every three days since then). Also, America does not give the most foreign aid, as measured on either a gross dollar amount or as a percentage of GDP, or on a per capita basis. I don’t know what the hell he was talking about, there!

  11. Who is an average person?If any of those questions had been asked of me, I would have been able to answer. I think most of these people just have an agenda to push, like everyone else on the fucking planet.

  12. GoldThat video makes me see how stoopid the average war protestor is. Protesting the war is easy, and simple, and the trendy thing to do. You don’t need to be informed to say war is bad. You do need to be informed to answer the question as to what to do about it instead. As for a war for oil, i can’t see the basis for that. Anyone hear of O.P.E.C.?? An American occupation of Iraq without O.P.E.C. consent seems absurd to me. If a general populace strike in Venezuela can raise my gas prices, imagine what an illegal occuption would do. Thanks for making me feel better about what I feel to be right FaaQ.

  13. sad but trueIt’s a sad fact that that tape is highly representative of most protesters. I really would have liked to see an unedited copy though.

  14. laughing my ass offOh God it hurts. My lungs will burst if I don’t stop laughing soon. If anybody says that’s not exactly the same thing you’d hear from 99% of all protestors is dead wrong. A bunch of those fuckers assaulted me with their signs when I was walking in my Navy uniform at the corner of Jefferson and Figeuroa. I got in an argument with them and they DONT. KNOW. FUCKING. ANYTHING. None of them. I’m done laughing cuz this is so sad.

  15. Beam Me UpIm probably going to get flamed for this post but who gives a crap. I have never gotten up on my soap box on a message board before but there is a first time for everything. So with that in mind, here we go!The Bush Administration has a lot to gain by going to war with Iraq.#1. They havent been able to capture Bin Laden since the 9/11 tragedy. The Govt has been trying to get this guy for years. Bin Laden was seldom mentioned in the media until that infamous day. The government realizes that they either need to catch Bin Laden before 2004 which doesnt look very likley or they need to have a scapegoat lined up so that this whole \”war on terrorism\” doesnt look like a complete waste of a catchphrase. What did daddy try to do when his re-election bid wasnt looking so hot? Start a war with Iraq, thats what. If all goes right it goes a long way to making that president look patriotic in the eyes of the public thus helping his chances on winning a re-election.#2 War can jump start the economy again. It has worked before and it could work again. Bush would come out smelling like a rose if he turned the economy around post 9/11. #3 I agree with a lot of the other posters. The war comes down to oil. Does this suprise people? We are a nation that consume’s a shitload of oil. Alaska and Texas do not even scratch the surface when it comes to our oil consumption. Every single person in the United States NEEDS oil. Iraq has a CRAPLOAD of oil. If you cant draw your own conclusion after that, I cant help you.Im sure I could go on and on and I probably already have. I could come up with a million other reasons why we need to go to war and if this post gets any kind of response then maybe I will continue to give you more reasons.I would like to thank all the men and women out there right now fighting for the very freedom that lets me post whatever the fuck I want on this message board.God Bless The USA……indeed

  16. :Sigh:I was in SF this weekend during the time of the protest. The amount of stupidity I saw there made me question my own democratic nature. I listened to people who had been protesting on the MUNI. They were headed home because they were tired. I mean, even if their cause made sense, shouldn’t they care more about it than to just go home because they were tired? What happened to the days of the Buddhist preists who burned themselves alive for their cause? Now people protest as something to do on the weekend. Fucking sick.SwordboarderEx-Champion of Fail Causes

  17. burned iraqishere’s some real shit about war to chew on.I am a liberal republican if you give a shit.Circa Desert Storm, I personally pulled a dead Iraqi who was burned to a crisp out of a jeep that had been shelled. I puked, it was fucking disgusting, but yes I volunteered to defend my country, and if that meant that I had to pull a dead cripsy motherfucker or two out of cratered jeeps then so be it. But I still have nightmares about it and the fucking gas prices have only risen in the last ten years, so I have to fucking wonder about that crispy motherfucker and whether his death amounted to anything other than him being dead and not myself. War is a serious affair for serious people, protestors deserve my respect if they have first hand experience and have developed their opinions based upon those experiences.Otherwise, they should shut the fuck up.

  18. cant stand those people\”War is a serious affair for serious people, protestors deserve my respect if they have first hand experience and have developed their opinions based upon those experiences.Otherwise, they should shut the fuck up.\”exactly… what this video proved is that a hell of alot of people dont know what they hell they are talking about and just have got themselves caught up in the hype/propaghanda. this means that the number of protesters out there doesnt mean a whole lot… who knows how many of those people could be the same? personally i belive many of them would be like that, as it is MUCH easier to convince soemone of soemthing using propaghanda than real facts.if you cant back up your beliefs, then you dont have any, and if you have no fucking opinion to protest so get off my fucking street

  19. Protest the Soldiers?just to state: im hoplessly liberal. with that said i believe its rather appaling that protesters are going after soldiers…and with THAT said, can all the conservatives look me dead in the eye and say \”This has NOTHING to do with Oil?\” Besides its not the first time weve gone after a country just for resources… (ill be glad to give ample proof if wanted)

  20. in my experience…in my experience for every ignorant liberal i’ve met i’ve met at least one ignorant conservative. I’ve seen crowds of protesters before and know people who go to them. I really doubt the crowds out protesting are any more stupid than an average sampling of a city block anywhere in the US (i’ll let you decide how smart the average american is on your own).some people just choose to see the worst in a group who’s opinions they dont agree with and not its good aspects.i actually laughed out loud at Swordboarder’s post. yeah, because protesters eventually got tired and went home it means their causes arent worthwhile. there are very few people willing to burn themselves alive for their cause (even among buddhist priests) and most people have lives to maintain outside of protesting the war. i might point out though the large number of people going to iraq as human shields. even though i think this is stupid, they are basically putting their lives on the line for what they believe in.also, in response to what psyclone said in his second point. war nowadays would not help the economy. the reason it helped in say ww2 (and in allot of other wars prior) is that military equipment was easy enough to make that factories currently making commercial products could be easily retooled and the workers making the equipment didnt need to be trained specialists. the vietnam war (or the first gulf war, or the war in Afghanistan) is a good example of the effects of modern warfare on the economy in this respect, as the economy was shity during all parts of that war and industrial production didn’t really increase much at all like it did in ww2. after reading this I suppose the post war boom after ww2 is a bit more complex than that but suffice it to say that a modern war wouldn’t yield the same results.if anything the economy will be hurt by oil prices going through the roof like they do anytime anything significant happens over there.

  21. I thought this was Badassmofo.comWhere the hell did all these little anti-war pansies come from?Faaq is right about you pansy ass wussies, and anyone that disagrees is wrong, PERIOD.

  22. UhhAnd the Dubya award for equanimity…Seriously; how can anyone honestly and intellegantly claim that their viewpoint is aboslutly 100% solid, correct and fundamentally true, in the face of other reasonable people who disagree? You cant. You just have to say ‘well… we disagree; you place emphasis on these issues, I place emphasis on others’. Saying ‘you wrong, bitch, PEROID’ is just… well… arrogant I suppose.

  23. Scarey People In This CountryThe pro war people really scare me. Apparently the only argument you have is to call anti-war people pussies, hippies, and peaceniks (stupidest name). It’s called editing. You take out what doesn’t support your case and you show what a moronic group the protestors are… well, it works on both camps. There are plenty of HARD WORKING and EDUCATED anti war people out there just as there are fucking countless dipshit war mongers in this country. I’m not a liberal, a hippy, or uneducated. I was brought up working class and I was at the rally this weekend. Well, my little war mongers, you’re going to get what you want, regardless of what we \”pussies\” say. That way you can keep your rich little country going and kept in a state of fear for the rest of your life.

  24. look, 2 pansies prove my point.Pansie ass bitches. We live in fear now becasue people like you happened to have their way in the 40’s and not allow MacArthur and Patton to do what was necessary to rid the world of evil. Had those BADASSES had their way none of this crap would be happening now. We had the bomb but too mayhy pansies (like many of you that keep pussifying FaaQ’s gloriouos thread) slowed production down and if we had stepped up production, like we should have in the first place, we could have had a massive stock pile by July of 1945 to ensure peace through out the world. Just think of it. Things like the invasion of Tibet would never have happened because their would have been B-29s raining nukes on China. This is one of the many areas in which we allowed liberal pansy ass influence in which we fucked up massively in history. We should have allowed Japan to keep its provinces on the condition that if the Chinese acted up again they (the Japs) would put the smack down on them like they deserve for simply being Chinese antaginists. But nooooo!!!! We had to help China even though they got what was coming to them but not nearly enough to satisfy me. Why we even entered the war in Europe when we did doesn’t make any sense either. We should have allowed Germany to take Rusia (we knew they would be a propblem in the furture but aided them anyway. okay… Thanks Roosevelt, dumbass commie sympathiser.) Then maybe, when Europe was quaking in fear that it allowed to rise to power maybe we would help. Maybe… But only if they pledged to never cross us, period. God damn. I hope you pansy ass liberals are happy with the world you created (or allowed to be created post 1945).

  25. Who knowsYeah the prostesters showed were stupid and had no clue what the fuck they were talking about. I’m not saying I know the in and outs of war, and the whole political game.I don’t believe that the war is fully about oil either. But morally I can’t see why we are going to do it. If Saddam does have the weapons they would turn up somehow after the invasion. If not and we go in it’s going to look very bad for us.

  26. Lesser of two evils.I don’t think war is great. Hell, war fucking sucks. However, when faced with an US vs. THEM situation, I’m gonna have to chose US. I know there are probably lots of background people trying to push for oil rights and whatnot, but thats just part of it all. Lesser of two evils time kids, which would you prefer: You being dead or an Iraqi being dead.

  27. Don’t like it, get the fuck outIf some of you people belive America is so fuckin evil, get the hell out. it’s not that hard, go live in France. Next time German’s go fuckin crazy and invade them, wave to the nice soilders bailing your asses out.and the point of the video was not to say that every protester, and every liberal was a fuckin moron. it was to show that some people protesting, acting as if they know what they are talking about, actualy don’t. And the makers weren’t going around the streets on an average day picking people to interview, it was durring a protest. If you are going to protest something, know what your protesting.

  28. UmI have a theory: Biff is in fact an uber-left wing Stalinist communist, trying to make thr right wing look bad. Or maybe hes just a twat. Do a CBA on: Invasion of Tibet vs Annihlation of China by Nuclear Weaponry. Hmm… moron.MacArthur and Patton were fucking psychos much of the time… Bonus Army ring a bell? Group of WWI verterns, camped in Washington? Hoover decides he wants them moved, tells MacArthur to move them, but noo hed rather just ‘destory’ them? Hmm? Patton leading the cavalry charge? 12 Children dead, utterly senslessly, for no apparent gain?Anyway.Biff = Moron. More so than Ms Dynamite, whose speach during the anti-war demo included the line ‘he who preaches war is tarred by the devil’.

  29. Um: Replywow, i had the same exact though Unipidity. Hes some funny guy making the right look bad. but in case Biff is serious let me refute. What did China in effect instigate? You mean how we decimated their government or robbed their lands and turned China into one big imperial pie for a 100 years, then they had the NERVE to attempt take it back for themselves? Them dirty sino fucks how DARE they stand up for themselves.

  30. wow…I just can’t believe what I’m hearing… First off, if you have EVER seen the kind of anti-abortion rallies we have in DC (fairly small group of white trash Ashcroft-type missourians), you would damn well know that stupidity and ignorance exists on both sides of the spectrum.Dissent is the most important part of being a Citizen of this country mostly because people in power will always be guilty of being human. They don’t necessarily have all the answers, but they DO have the power. Protesters have a job to tell those people that not everyone buys their bullshit. You don’t like people disagreeing with your leader, then you leave the fuckin country, its our job to have a damn opinion. You wanna be led by the nose and believe the crap their shoveling about how we’re preventing a WW2 type aggression? Where exactly is Saddam invading? What possible parallels are their to the blitzkrieg? Iraq is a 3rd rate isolated country, that gets no respect from the Muslim world. Hell, they hate Saddam for being socialist, and have thought he was a patsy do us and Isreal since he caved after the Gulf War. He is more a threat to us AFTER his death, After thousands of Iraqi citizens are killed by the \”zionists\” of the west(what it looks like, not what I think), and after he’s handed what he’s got left over to the guys that actually CAN get to us.

  31. come on you lefties…You guys are supposed to be tolerant, open-minded, and objective people. I thought you guys cared for all iving beings and were supposd to be nice to everyone for the betterment of mankind. Why the insults and mudslinging from you guys? Oh yeah, you guys are a bunch of hypocrites. Now I remember. Carry on with your ‘tolerant’ and ‘open-minded’ mudslinging at those you don’t agree with rather than approaching the topic in an objective manner. Or continue showing your true colors. *sigh* So, so typical of the left.

  32. WellRegardless of how tolerant one may be, im sorry, but if Biff is for real, there is simply no other conclusion other than: he is a moron.No attempt at any kind of arguement!

  33. god damnitim sick of being called a hippie and all that shit just because i believe in human rights. sure, a lot of people dont know what the fuck theyre talking about, but that goes for both sides. you mean to tell me that youve never seen a right wing republican give a bunch of stupid fucking reasons for why everyone should have a gun or be able to get one? one of the only moral principles i hold myself to is the old \”treat others as you would want to be treated\” rule. personally, i dont think i would want to be an innocent iraqi civilian who has been starving, losing family members left and right, living in shitty conditions, not being able to get easy medical help because of the united states, only to learn that NOW the U.S. is going to bomb the shit out of me even MORE, mainly to get rid of one dude and to be able to import more oil for soccer moms to drive around their fucking earth murdering SUV’ know what else pisses me off? during that whole state of the union address, all i could think about when dubya was talking about how we’ve kept urging iraq to disarm their \”nukyooler\” weapons (you know, the ones that we haven’t even found yet), was \”hey…wait a minute, WE havent disarmed OUR fucking nuclear weapons….\” violence only makes more violence, and the fact that like 90% of the world’s population doesn’t support this war says a LITTLE bit of something. but bush is gonna do it anyways, because he is the worst president this country has ever fucking had, not to mention the dumbest.also…can i just say something else? can we eliminate the term \”war on terrorism\” please? that is a war that is impossible to win. in the words of david cross \”winning the war on terrorism is like winning a war on jealousy or something…its not gonna happen. we’re not gonna wake up one day and say ‘well, we got’em all!’\”. and all we’re doing by bombing innocent civilians is making MORE people pissed off at us and making NEW terrorists. you know what? sometimes this country sucks a huge greasy demon cock, and you know what else? i wish i COULD fucking move away to another country. \”Nationalism is an infantile disease. It is the measles of mankind.\”–Albert Einstein

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