And The World Makes A Little More Sense

FREEEEEEDOMMMMM!The time has come. Dump all of your stock. Sell your home. Grab your children and run to the nearest bomb shelter, because I’m about to drop one upon your unwitting asses. If we live in a world where Britney Spears can divorce Kevin Federline, I just don’t know what to beleive in anymore. Up becomes down, left becomes right, anal becomes oral. We truly live in a world of chaos.

TMZ obtained the legal papers, filed today in Los Angeles County Superior Court, citing “irreconcilable differences.” In her petition, Spears asks for both legal and physical custody of the couple’s two children, one-year old Sean Preston and two-month old Jayden James, with Federline getting reasonable visitation rights.

As for money, sources tell TMZ the couple, who married in Oct. 2004, has an iron-clad prenup. Not surprisingly, Spears is waiving her right to spousal support. She’s also asking the judge to make each party pay their own attorney’s fees.

Spears gives the date of separation as yesterday, the same day she flaunted her incredible revamped physique during a surprise appearance on David Letterman’s show. Sources tell TMZ there was no single reason for Britney pulling the plug, rather, it was “a string of events.”

So yet again, Unidor has swept in to save the day. Too bad he didn’t get here prior to her fattening, redneck baby producing marriage, but the guy has a busy schedule. Now Britney can flaunt that newly-repolished physique on the covers of some magazines. Hopefully the kind that children under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Yes !K-Fuckin’ finally !It’s pretty bad when Britney couldn’t handle K-Fed’s ego…he’s nothing but a white-playa-hatin-tupac-lovin-eminem-posin-hey-look-at-me-im-married-to-britney bastard. Well no longer!We’re all k-fed up with your feeble attempt at rap and need you to go away forever.There’s my rant for today.

  2. RecoveryIts gonna take some time to clean her of that smell, i think it may be past its expiration date, what does the label say?

  3. um, no…\”Hopefully the kind that children under the age of 18 are not allowed to purchase.\”Too late. I stopped caring about 8 to 12 months ago.

  4. noobsPeople often worry about the end of the world, but as this cartoon shows, it’s really a lighthearted romp!

  5. honestlyThe fact that people even know what this guy looks like is beyond me. For some twisted reason I’ve been watching some wrestling lately and was forced to see this idiots mug for the first time recently. Oh well anything that keeps that bitch from making more \”music\” is ok by me.

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