And The Important Thing Is That I Never Got My Come-Uppance

[ Dog Gives Flasher His Come-Uppance ] – thanks John

A drunken Croat flasher got more excitement than he bargained for when he pushed his penis through a woman’s fence and her dog bit it, local newspapers said on Friday.

The visibly drunk man was walking down the street and started swearing and shouting at the woman for no reason. He then shoved his penis through her fence, unaware her dog was on the other side, police said.

Ha Ha *grabs dick in sympathy pain* HA, motherfucker!

It says that he got off with light injuries, although he’s being charged with “insulting the moral feelings of citizens”, which is probably the lamest way of saying “shoving your junk in someone’s fence” that I’ve ever heard. Does that mean that in Zagreb I’d receive the same sentence as this guy for say, picking on a chick for being prude? So does that mean that catcalls are pretty much illegal over there? If so, how do their construction workers not kill themselves? I mean, you’re wearing a goofy helmet, covered in sweat, eating with dirty hands and you’ve got to not act like a testosterone-filled pig. I think implosions would be their number one cause of male death in Croatia, or wherever this cockbitten bastard lives.


…oh, I’m sorry. I was just daydreaming about how fun it would be to walk down the street and see imploded chunks of people lying all over the place. But that’s only because I shot a terrible golf game today, and I hate you because of it.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. DamnYou need to get out more Sharkey.Blaming the peons for a shittly shot ( shittly shot…wtf?!?!) game of fogey soccer.You’re a right bastard you are.Peace.P.S. Good Luck with the jew boss…you’ll win….I mean look at what happen with Edwards and all those over time cases.

  2. You SuckAt golf that is. But I’ve got to tell you Sharkey, that’s not our fault. Think of that Seinfeld episode where George stopped having sex and he got smarter. You’ve got to save up some of that sexual energy/tension/frustration for a weekend of teeing off. It’s the little woman’s fault, just like with everything else.

  3. since its intermission…Id like to take this opportunity to tell you golf haters to fuck yourselves with rusty nails.Its not my fault that you’re too poor to play.

  4. What? Who exactly are you referring to? I never said I hated golf. I was just fucking around with you. And too poor to play? Like it really takes all that much money to play golf. Take a joke man.

  5. Hate Mail?Why the fuck is their flaming going on when… A MAN JUST GOT HIS COCK BITTEN BY A DOG!A DOG BIT SOME LOUSY DRUNKS DICK OFF FOR CHRISTS SAKE! Someone better get me Bob fucking Saget on the line. I got the $10,000 winnar right the fuck here.

  6. Flamingit would be to walk down the street and see imploded chunks of people lying all over the place. I aggree, and your an asshole, someday that’s going to happen to you in your neighborhood, and your going say out loud \”God damn, I’m an asswhole for wanting this\” jinxing your own people mo-fo goddamm…

  7. taking a joke…Subscribe to your own principles, folks, cuz I was just joking. I was drunk though, so sarcasm can be a little more angry.

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