And Censorship Ironically Leads To More Violence…

Hitman Movie…as I’m about to fucking stab someone. They’re going to take what might have been a decent Hitman flick and give it the Live Free Or Die Hard treatment.

Word is out that Fox has yanked control of upcoming video game adaptation away from director Xavier Gens.

This happens from time to time if a director turns in weak footage but that is not the case here. After being hired to shoot an adaptation of the ultra-violent video game Gens took Asian action films such as The Killer and A Bittersweet Life as his starting point and turned in an explicitly violent, very bloody cut of the film that apparently included a number of head shots and extreme gore moments that would have guaranteed the film a hard R rating. Which really shouldn’t have been any sort of surprise if the studio execs had been paying any attention at all – it’s not like they wouldn’t have seen the dailies or effects work ahead of time – but apparently after seeing Gens’ cut of the film the studio removed him from the project and placed Nicolas De Toth in control of a new edit of the film. Who’s De Toth? He’s the man behind the edit of Live Free Or Die Hard, a job he was hired for specifically to turn in an entirely bloodless version of the film and word is that this is his task with Hit Man as well.

The site had a followup from a Fox PR rep who stated that Gens was still on the project, and that De Toth is only an editing consultant. But since Gens is out of the country and nowhere near the project, I’d imagine that Fox is just trying to cover their own asses. We already know what studios think of gaming enthusiasts anyway, based on their ridiculous treatment of the subject matter. As a huge fan of the Hitman series, I’m hoping that there will be an ass-kicking directors cut, but until I hear word that this sucker is back on track, I’ll be sitting this one out.

Oh and here’s the trailer for any of you who haven’t seen it yet. Watch it now before they sanitize it as well.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. So is this the future of movie ratings? It says R, but really is PG? What does violence get you for ratings, these days….X? What makes it R, someone gets shot and blurts out, “Dammit!” I’d hate to see what would happen to a movie like The Crow (the original) if it was released today.

    I would have rather read something like, “We asked reps at Fox to explain, but they were too busy sucking the RNC and MPAA’s collective cocks to comment.” That at least would foster a reasonable explanation for a complete raping of first amendment priviledges.

  2. What the fuck? First amendment privileges? Are you fucking high? 1st amendment has to do with the GOVERNMENT censoring free speech. Fox, which owns the rights to the movie and is paying for it, can do whatever the fuck they want with it.

    Onto the topic at hand, though, FUCK Fox. This looked like it could be a kick ass movie, with Seth Bullock fucking shit up left and right. If that retard kid from the Mac vs. Apple ads shows up in this movie, I’m gonna have to kill some bitches.

  3. I think what Phuked was getting at is that the only reason why they’d censor the movie is because a rating determines profit. NC-17 (or even a R rating these days) is the kiss of death for profits, because it cuts out a huge part of the movie going patrons.

    It’s not a direct raping of the first amendment, but it’s an indirect one. Studios only care about profit. The MPAA uses their ratings to Keep America Republican. If their organization (an illegal and unfair one IMHO) was finally shut down, we wouldn’t have all these assholes watering things down.

  4. Actually a lot of rated R movies gross more than PG-13 movies, but studios still fear the stigma. Its the quality of the movie, not its rating that determines if people will see it or not. Its just rumored to be getting a cut down to pg-13 anyways.

  5. Yeah, sorry I brought out first amendment issues into this. I guess I’m supposed to be “patriotic”, and care about the children and shit like that. You do realize, though, that this watering down of the movie bullshit stems from the countless inquiries by those immoral, degenerate fucks in the senate talking about “too much violence in the media”. Fuck them, and their fake high horses….the lot of them.

    Back to the matter at hand, though. I liked Hitman as a game, although I was never quite sure there was enough backstory involved to shape it into some feature film, regardless of how true it is to the game itself. I mean, the Metal Gear series has TONS of story to draw off of, why not go with that? That’s just my opinion, take it for what it’s worth.

  6. Here we lie heart to heart
    a perfect night for keeping you so near
    And we’ll let all the world drift far apart
    as I hear you whisper to my ear
    Funny how all dreams come true
    like a fool I’m into you
    The day we met I lost my sanity
    Funny how I feel for you
    like a fool I’m into you
    The day we met I lost my sanity

  7. Could you just take your website down? You only update it like once or twice a month and the updates just aren’t funny or remotely interesting anymore. You should just let it die or have someone else take it over.

  8. Could you just take your comments down? You only have one here, and it’s not funny or remotely interesting anymore. You should just lie down and fucking die little bastard. BAMF is something your born into, not something you can just toss around like

  9. This is disgrace!! i cant really lived up with this crap anymore..its time to move on or just let it be..only an idiot wit iq of 2 will see it nowday..Heard about UPDATING?

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