An American Hero, Gone

I’m sorry to say, but Mr. Wizard passed away. Though he hasn’t taught me a lesson in nearly two decades, I still remember many of them fondly. For instance, that one where he tied the bowling ball to a swingset, held it up to the kid’s chin, and let go. That simple demonstration of gravity helped me dupe dozens… dozens of other kids on the playground as a child.

Young Acquaintance: “I dunno about this…”
Young Sharkey: “It’s ok, just hold Billy’s feet up to your face, let go, and when he swings back they’ll just barely miss your mouth. It’ll be so radical!”
Young Acquaintance: “OK, here goes!”
Young Sharkey: *swiftly pushes acquaintance forward*

Watch and remember.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Wow, 89 years old? He stuck it out, didn’t he? I always thought he was canadian….at least it seemed the dork kids that he had on the show were of canuk descent.

  2. It was 1979, Mr. Davidson was holding a staff meeting reminding his department heads how important it was it identify and nurture the leaders among their ranks. He called them “firefighters”–administrators with the talent to get to the bottom of a problem and “put out the fire”.

    I was a young staffer sitting in back when Mr. Davidson made this edict. I always admired Mr. Davidson. I would always remember what he said that day in 1979, when I had the opportunity to direct the city/county department of public health. I found my “firefighters”–Lee Thompson, Fred Rodgers, Cindy Jones and several others.

    The best “firefighter” I found was Toby Futrell.

    Mr. Davidson’s legacy is greater than his inheritance. We were lucky to have him at the helm.

    Michael Candelas
    Cape Canaveral, Florida

    did not know your daughter Rachael, but I want you to know what a blessing her testimony has been to me already. Not too long ago, I did alot of reaserch on the Columbine tragedy. I discovered the testimonies of Rachel Scott and Cassie Bernall, who were both tremendous young Christian ladies who were killed in that horrible event. God definantly brought something good out of the Columbine tragedy through their testimonies. Many people have been saved as a result of hearing them. Any time something tragic like this happens, testimonies like theirs shine as a light for Christ, for good and for what’s right. To me, your daughter Rachael’s testimony is that light amid the VT tragedy. I know that words like these that I’m sharing can never heal the pain you must feel, but I want you to know that the life Rachael lived for Christ is still touching hearts from beyong the grave! … “and their works do follow them”… (Rev. 14: 13) May GOD heal your pain and help you through Paul’s words of comfort to the church @ Thessolinica (1Thess. 4:13-18).
    GOD Bless,
    Randy Brooks

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