Amazing Lucasarts Tech Demo

Because I know that Bongweasel will never post it:

This technology, coupled with this game and this kind of gameplay and I’m going to shit myself in excitement.

…right before the damned thing chokes my system to death. They should package and sell that fucking tech demo from GDC… as long as I have unlimited R2D2 bricks and Death Star Baseballs, I’m a happy camper.

Categorized as Gaming

By Sharkey

I run bamf.

1 comment

  1. The ultimate goal in RvR combat is the sacking of an enemy’s capital city. To do this, an army must invade and take control of the opposition’s homeland. Deciding battles take place on objective-based battlefields and in instanced scenarios – point-balanced battles that make use of NPC mercenaries known as Dogs of War.

    For the first time, WAR’s RvR system integrates both Player vs. Player (PvP) combat and Player vs. Environment (PvE) quests on the same map. Every aspect of the game, including PvE missions, is geared towards the greater war in some important way. However, players are not required to participate in PvP combat, and may aid in the RvR war effort and enjoy the game in its entirety via PvE content.

    Drawing from a quarter century of highly detailed source material, Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning will bring Games Workshop’s fantasy world to life in a way that will allow players to create characters destined for great deeds and glory on the field of battle.

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