Also Not A Birth Control Method

I was walking past the candy aisle this morning and something caught my eye. On one of the packages I was sure I saw “Not to be used for weight control.” So I backed up a step, and sure enough, right on a package of sweet delicious empty calories was the aforementioned phrase. I’d like to meet the asshole who sued because he tried to use Skittles as a fat burner, which resulted in this.

By the way: I’d like to thank Google for clueing me in to “International Women’s Day.” Somewhere out there, a woman seriously wants you to spend money on her for this momentous holiday. Buy her some Skittles.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Could be birth controlYou could use skittles as birth control I guess – if you stuck a few in the hole of your cock. Unless she was a good sucker and sucked them right out before you shoot.

  2. GoogleSo, does this mean that on International Man’s Day we’ll get a Google logo where the \”o\”s are tits and a stripper is pole dancing on the \”l\”?

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