Alas, the end of an era in Journalism.

The Weekly World News is closing up shop.

Remember, “this paper has facts” (name that movie).

Publisher American Media Inc. said on Tuesday it will stop printing the Weekly World News, which for 28 years gleefully chronicled the exploits of alien babies, animal-human hybrids and dead celebrities.

The company said in a brief statement it would end the print version of the tabloid newspaper next month but would maintain the online version

Honestly, seeing the crazy ass cover stories about Bat Boy and President Visiting Aliens always made the checkout stand just a little less depressing.

Categorized as News


  1. That blows. I almost looked forward to the checkout line because of that paper. And I even bought it a few times because it was so amazinguh.

  2. I think that scene with his mom reading the newspaper is the only thing I still remember from that movie. Oh, and something about him marrying an axe murderer.

  3. Don’t forget the famous scene from Men In Black….

    K. picks up a copy of the World Weekly News and proclaims “Best damn investigative reporting on the planet. But hey, go ahead, read the New York Times if you want. They get lucky sometimes.”

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