Ain’t That A Kick In The Junk?

I’m posting from the carwash again. Seasoned readers may remember me posting from this lil’ spot’s oddly cable-modem connected machine a few times in the past. Today’s visit was unscheduled, as my Goddamned smoothie I bought for lunch spilled all over the floor of my car. Serves me right for buying a healthy lunch in leiu of my beloved Fatburger.

Second bad bit of the afternoon, I found out my answering machine has been completely fucked for the last week, and not picking up my calls. And here I thought I’d just become unpopular.

I dunno if it’s a bad omen or not, but Im pretty sure that the guy sitting outside is Robert Englund, aka Freddy Krueger. I’ve seen him around town a few times, so it wouldn’t surprise me. So is that a good sign, or a bad sign? Maybe I should just air on the side of caution, and go back home to my precious Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. Although I did have the disturbing urge to kick a guy off his sweet ass chopper and use it to jump onto the roof of a nearby Target. But then, I was a pretty violent prick before GTA, so I don’t see much of a difference other than a broadening of my imagination.

Wait, Freddy Kreuger wouldn’t drive a Dodge Dart. I guess it’s back to errands for me. Fucking Freddy ripoff, had to ruin my Goddamned excuse, didn’t you?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. whywhy in gods name did you substitute fatburger? in all your previous endeavors at \”the gym\” you seem like youd be able to eat fatburger without getting fat.

  2. Too late I guess.Wow, other people knew it was err also. And here I thought everybody who read this page was a little 13-year old baby in search of porn.

  3. Damn youI live in Chicago. We don’t have Fatburger. I love Fatburger. You should NEVER give up the chance to enjoy Fatburger. Fatburger, yeah, Fatburger.

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