Adios Superfreak

[ Rick James Dies In His Sleep ] – That sucks. I wonder if it’ll have any effect on the proposed movie. And no, I don’t want to hear any Chappelle’s Show quotes. Even Chappelle is tired of that shit. He’s probably not tired of the $50 million contract it netted him, though.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. unluckysadly most people will remember this guy from the chapelle show skitsand before that the far less known bit on the simpsons, where hes doin superfreak, and just as he says it, the cops come and take him away… lolzand the world rolls on

  2. HahaOh my god. Reading that second comment made me laugh out loud… literally. That’s so wrong but so funny.

  3. andwhats worse, is thats a tiefed jokewrite ur own material sonor at least take a cue from maddox and stop impersonating chapelle….

  4. Humor knows no boundriesWell arent you all just a bunch of somber, respectful little bitches. It was funny. Yeh he’s dead… it was still funny. Yeh, its not neccessarily original… it was still funny. Get over yourselves.

  5. That’ll be Fiddy Mill…bitch.Yeah, Dave Cheppelle’s sooooo tired of it, that he couldn’t bring himself to take that $50M contract that Viacom gave him. He can thank that dead fool Rick James for writing his meal ticket for life. Sure as shit wasn’t his role in Half Baked. Tortued artist…my pasty white ass.As for Rick James…\”Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.\”

  6. That’ll be Fiddy Mill…bitch.Yeah, Dave Cheppelle’s sooooo tired of it, that he couldn’t bring himself to take that $50M contract that Viacom gave him. He can thank that dead fool Rick James for writing his meal ticket for life. Sure as shit wasn’t his role in Half Baked. Tortued artist…my pasty white ass.As for Rick James…\”Cocaine’s a hell of a drug.\”

  7. What’s that in the sky? A bird? A plane? NO! It’s pretense!Solong Rick, we’ll miss the way you… ummm… tied that one chick up and beat her for 12 hours straight. That was awesome.

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