A Winnar Is Not Yet Me

Well, after winning that court case two weeks ago I kind of felt it inevitable that they would appeal the decision. My former employer is the kind of ass who would gladly pay to delay the process of me getting my hands on any of his money. Everyone I knew told me that there’s no possible way. Nobody would want to incur the fees, lawyers or otherwise, that appealing a decision like this would bring. Besides, they’ve got important shit to do. What owner of a multi-million dollar company would want to waste his time endlessly battling in court just to save himself a little money?

I’ve got the answer for you: he would. I just got the notice of appeal in my mailbox. Now I’ve got two options: let my sort-of-crummy legal representation help me out, or file for free attorney representation by the Labor Commissioner. I’m thinking that the latter will be a better idea. Anyone have any advice?

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Winnar???I hope you are spelling winner with an \”a\” on purpose because that is terrible spelling. So Sharkey, how much money are you standing to get from this?

  2. uh\”\”I hope you are spelling winner with an \”a\” on purpose because that is terrible spelling.\”\”New to the internet huh?

  3. post his Soc #post his Social Security # to an 3l33t forum of your choice.let someone else exact your revenge. : )

  4. Lawyers…You’d be better off representing yourself than using the free lawyer — there’s a reason they’re free…

  5. pro bonowhy don’t you ask your mediocre legal council to do this for you pro bono? they have to do a certain amount a year and i’d be willing to bet that he’d be better than an appointed free lawyer

  6. quit talking out your assLawyers are not required to do pro bono work. Get for real. And the reason they are free is because they are paid a salary by the commission to defend people without means, in this case, sharkey, to secure adequate counsel on the subect matter at hand. For some reason I assumed the mean average IQ was higher in here.

  7. pick the winnar lawyergo with the guy who won it for you in the first place. unless its such a slam dunk that a freebie scheister would be able to do it.

  8. The Winner LawyerThat would be me. And I attribute that to the fact that I honestly should have won. But if they fight dirty this time, I’d like someone in my corner who knows how to eye-gouge in legal-ese.

  9. free lawyersCourt appointed and free lawyers can be quite good. They usually know judges and prosecutors better than other lawyers and come quite often do quite well for ya.

  10. Stick it to himYou may be able to ammend what you are seeking, to cover your legal expences. Make him pay to play his game, as that is what he is doing; making it cost you money in the long run to collect your OT.

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