A well thought out business proposal that I will send to SONY.

And to RealDoll.com of coursemanufacturers of the worlds only 6000 dollar sex doll, for that rare breed of man who really cant get laid with twenties hanging out of his pants.

Greetings! I have an idea for a new game in which I think you gentlemen might be interested! Its a variation on the very popular Dance Dance Revolution that has urban youths all over the country laying their crack money on the line so they can prove theyre the sickest dancer in town y0. Word to your mother. Anyway, my idea is for a game called Fuck Fuck Revolution The PS2 would hook up to a custom RealDoll and the player would score points for hitting the sensor pads at the right times! I figure her ass could be the triangle button, her right breast could be R1 and her left breast could be L1. The back of her head could be the square button in case you want to work some donkey punch action in thereyou get the idea. After all, youre Japanese game designers so I would imagine this game is going to improve your sex life by an order of magnitude. Please consider my idea, as the possibilities for this game are endless.

Of course, I had some other ideas for RealDolls, but for some reason the company that makes them refuses to entertain my ideas. For example, I think a doll that looks like the Virgin Mary would be quite neat and would sell quite well in the Middle East. A doll with a detachable football as a head would also be awesome, because I dont know about any of you, but after I finish having sex, I totally want to rip the girls head off and spike it while I scream SCORE SCORE TOUCHDOWN WOOOO!!! as I dance around my bedroom. I think the makers of the worlds most realistic sex doll underestimate the number of men who want to follow up sexxing an inanimate object with a end zone dance and boasts of kiss your immaculate conception GOODBYE!!!

OK I dont really want to spike the girls head but I wouldnt mind taking a shot at the Virgin Mary while resting a can of beer on her back.

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