Since my last post was somewhat un-diverse and obviously way too serious and un-funny for some of you, I decided as a gift on this Friday I am going to make it easy. Today, there will be:
- No “tongue-in-cheek” humor without the </sarcasm> tag. I realize that it can be difficult to tell when I am serious or not, especially when I say things such as “we have all known from the days of gradeschool that being gay rots your brain and makes you want to eat puppies.” A couple more useful tags: </parody> and </satire>.
- I won’t rely on myself for humor. Instead, I am going to link directly to the non-tool king of comedy, Te(v)plar, and his extremely witty and insightful posts in the forum. On second thought, I don’t really need to link straight to his posts, since he posts in every single goddamn thread on the board, you can’t really miss him. Just be prepared to laugh your silly ass off </sarcasm>.
- No HATRED!@@!! Yes, you will feel my love. To make sure you notice, I will be using the </love> tag throughout.
One more thing while I am on topic (or not), Josh e, go the fuck back to Because we all know how original and funny this shit is </sarcasm>:

Jesus Christ I can’t stop laughing </sarcasm>. Did I already tell you to fuck off and die? Good.
[Fark lovers read this:]
Note on, because I hate to get e-mail: is a news portal, meaning they are a clearing house for other people’s content. I will be the first one to say that fark does a damn good job at what they do, and they have earned a loyal fanbase doing it. Go team. At BAMF, we make a mostly feeble attempt at original content, sometimes we succeed, sometimes we fail. I do hope that everyone that comes here finds at least some humor in the things we post (there is always the archives), but if you don’t, there are other places for you. You are not alone, and I wanted Josh e to be aware that he is a perfect candidate for the fark audience. One more thing, the headline I pulled happened to be the top one on the page, and I also might have gotten the role of fark in the civilized world wrong—be that the case, I am sorry.
So, now that that is out of the way and done with (since these are just my opinions and you lovingly respect that), time to get on with the non-threatening funny shit for the day.
[Praise the good lord almighty!]
It is good to see that those bigoted, fucking-gay-hating straight fuckwads have finally got some sense shoved into their tiny heterosexual brains and have voted to uphold a gay rights law protecting our beloved gay and lesbian populations in Miami-Dade county </love>:
Voters in Miami-Dade County appear to have rejected an attempt by Christian conservatives to repeal an ordinance protecting gay rights.
Fuck the Christian conservatives, what right do they have to make a legal attempt to get others to understand their point of view </satire>? And although the haters tried to stop it, the biggest win of all is that the law was upheld out of true concern for the gay and lesbian lifestyle </sarcasm>:
The county`s political and business leaders had pushed to keep the ordinance, fearing a boycott from gay and liberal groups and the threatened rejection of the region`s bid to hold the 2004 Democratic National Convention.
It is heartwarming to see such true understanding of the challenges gays and lesbians face in this world of hate. Hugs for everyone!@!! Blowjobs all around!!!</parody>
Yes, yes, I know, I am a comedy goldmine </sarcasm>. I’ll end the punishment now before things get out of hand </sarcasm>.