A little advice

Two people struggled to subdue a Palestinian suicide bomber before he blew himself up Thursday at a bus stop near Tel Aviv, killing a woman, according to medical sources and Israeli police.

Many were able to evacuate the area before the man detonated the belt.

Neuman said as soon as passengers were off the bus the passenger helping him pin down the bomber looked at him and said: “We must let go together and run. We flew out of there. Then the bomber got up, walked a few meters and exploded.” [Story]

I just wanted to make sure that you were all aware that you should never do this. First of all, if you are dumb enough to play hero, at least have the sense to pin the other guy while you run for safety.

*Me and other guy pin down the bomber*
Other guy: Oh shit! This guy has more explosives than a motherfucker!
Me: My friend, there comes a time in a bowler’s life when he has to step up
Me: …and that bowler is you.
Me: *runs away*

I cheat at video games too.

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