A BOMB! YARRRR…. Oooh… Hey Sailor!

[ Pentagon Planned To Develop “Gay Bomb” ]

Most bizarre among the plans was one for the development of an “aphrodisiac” chemical weapon that would make enemy soldiers sexually irresistible to each other. Provoking widespread homosexual behaviour among troops would cause a “distasteful but completely non-lethal” blow to morale, the proposal says.

Non-lethal blow, eh? I bet.

Hey, there were a million bad puns circling this thing like a pack of vultures, I just shot randomly into the air.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. wowWait til the start developing this for home use… Everyone’s going to be throwing orgies…. Wanna come over to my slumber party?

  2. JacksonMicheal Jackson will likly finnish of the rest of his wealth on getting some of this stuff, that way he can say the kids come onto him

  3. It’s so clear now!they obviously have been testing it in the San Francisco area… no wonder California is a seriously dark blue state!

  4. PeachesRegarding the slumber party: I would love to attend, but if you plan on using any gay bombs, I would like to request being the only guy there. Otherwise, I’ll uh… catch the next one. ‘

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