A Blog That Isn’t Worthless? MADNESS!

[ Query Letters I Love ]

Actual, honest to God letters that a Hollywood-type has received. Ideas for flicks that shouldn’t…. well, just shouldn’t. Example:

“One soldier must battle the CIA, the British Secret Service and the Cloning Research Abolition Party for six pigs who could cure a deadly virus. Too bad he’s an Army cook who’d rather serve them with pineapple glaze.”

Wow. The Sasparillo Smith flick sounded like something the Wilson brothers wiped their ass with and threw in the trash.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. HahahaThis one’s my favorite:\”LOG LINE: On the streets he’s just another face in the crowd, a semi-literate nice guy with a serious inferiority complex. But inside the club he is the man, because everyone wants to know THE BOUNCER. \”That last line KILLS.

  2. hmm…This is the story of Sasparillo Smith the fastest gun ever. The problem is that he does not like to kill people. Instead he simply cripples those who try and kill him. The result is a gang of outlaws with missing fingers, shattered elbows, wrists, knees etc. who are sworn to ‘Get Sassy’.I WOULD WATCH THIS!!

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