OK, so the fuck what. I’m a nerd.

Experience my nerd-dom.

Yeah. I just bought a couple of presale tickets, $125 each. I get to meet Nobuo Uematsu, who probably doesn’t speak a lick of English. And I will be the guy shaking his hand, saying “Hi. I spent a lot of money to prove what a Goddamned nerd I am. I love your work. Please don’t tell any actual women that I came here. Arrigato.”

*shakes head*

How I get women into bed is a mystery to me.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. I know…I’ve asked my question that too. How you get women? Two simple words.Huge Wang. After that, everything is moot.

  2. I used to know…what those symbols meant, but alas sex has destroyed that part of my brain forever. Ignorance is truly bliss. Like every day bliss like twice on Sundays bliss.Sayonara gaijin

  3. Re: Shoulda knowndork because I’m smarter than you? if that makes you feel better… oh, and it’s hard to be a virgin when you’ve got 2 kids, idiot-san. I guess attacking one’s sex life is all you can do when you’re the type to make fun of someone else’s knowledge. maybe you’re just too close-minded to think maybe I teach english to japanese exchange students?ps: douche.

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