Slice Of The Day: Jessica Alba

Shit in my cornflakes, piss on my pillow, whatever it takes karmaically speaking to get Jessica Alba into my bed. Have you fuckers seen the Sin City trailer? It’s like viagra found a way to inject itself through my occular cavities.

Jessica Alba.... god I'd like to be the sand in her crack.

So I threw up some new pics that were stolen from the pie forum, which I would imagine were stolen from elsewhere. So you see, it all cancels itself. Not that you’re even bothering reading this. If you can look at that image above and continue listening to what I have to say, you’re the gayest thing since gay hit Gaytown.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. Yummy !I’d lick the skid-mark off of her bikini bottom.Yes – even after she ate the BIG FILL meal at Taco Bell.

  2. fursureHow the hell can anyone get away with being a stripper, and never give a tittie show??? do not those two things come hand in hand, or in this case, boob by boob

  3. Not gay so muchDesensitized by the pr0n, you see. You can only take so much of the pie forum before it’s got to nekkidness to count.

  4. WTFWhat the hell was that ??? That trailer was like watching a cartoon with real people. The villain looks like the villain from The Mask movie after he put the mask on himself…messed up. Looks like a Tim burton type movie – which suck ass. She is hot though and she better show titties for me to even think about downloading this one.

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