Slice Of The Day: Jennifer Garner

So I guess we all have to deal with the new Elektra flick in our own way. I will do my best to refrain from seeing it, since I wanted to gouge out my own eyes with a used soup spoon after seeing Daredevil. However, I am constantly aware of the fact that Jennifer Garner is hot, and that I would like to do naughty things to her. Sadly, the theater is the closest thing to me accomplishing this at the moment, at least as soon as that ban is lifted. Fucking nazis, we all do it.

Oh yeah, new pics in the Jennifer gallery. Enjoy.

Jennifer Garner. Making us all watch shitty movies for over 4 years. ...bitch.

Oh yeah, you can see the first five minutes of Elektra over at Yahoo Movies.

I won’t though.

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. daredevilcheck out the director’s cut of daredevil, released a couple months ago. i wasn’t a big fan of the original, but was highly impressed with the re-release.

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