Slice Of The Day: Ashlee Simpson

Poor little Ashlee Simpson. I gotta admit, I love watching this girl get knocked around:

From IMDB: Ashlee Simpson was at the center of another live show controversy on Tuesday night when her half-time performance at the college football Orange Bowl in Miami, Florida, was booed. The sister of pop star Jessica Simpson was outed as a lipsyncher during an embarrassing performance on Saturday Night Live back in October, and she was left red-faced again during an awful live show Tuesday night. Amid technical problems that saw fellow half-time show performers Kelly Clarkson and Trace Adkins struggle to hear themselves, Ashlee howled her way through hit single “La La,” hitting bad note after bad note. And fans of Orange Bowl finalists University Of Southern California and Oklahoma weren’t shy about voicing their disapproval – and booed her loudly. The censors also clamped down on the singer, insisting she remove a sexually-charged “French maid” line in the song and replace it with “lemonade”.

Hahahaha, oh that is sad. But it is nice to see my local brothers over at SC sticking it to a defenseless little halfwit. That kind of shit is my cup of tea. So anyway, pics:

Now what’s this bullshit about uber-hottie Heidi Klum getting hitched to motherfucking Seal?!? Somebody needs to get Unidor off his ass, and onto his space unicorn. Don that sombrero, bitch, it’s wrong-rightin’ time!

Categorized as News

By Sharkey

I run bamf.


  1. well..Ya know at first I was kind of compassionate thinking well I would really hate to be in her shoes but then I snapped out if it and realized that’s what you get when big corporations start mass producing pop stars. Just imagine what mainstream entertainment would be like if lipsynching was never invented? There would definitely be a lot less pop stars. Anyone can sound good in the studio with enough determination/money. I say fry her and fry all the companies that have tons of money invested in her. Hopefully they lose their asses on their ‘expected return’.

  2. whatHow the hell can french maid be censored? its not cussing, and as far as \”sexualy-charged\” whatnot, who the fuck cares, if they are not nekid, or cussing then no censorship. although personaly I see why we need censorship at all, life is not, and neither should tv

  3. knocked\”Poor little Ashlee Simpson. I gotta admit, I love watching this girl get knocked around\”you may like watching knocked around, but i would rather watch her get knocked up, or at least trying

  4. OutcomeHey, does this mean that record companies are finally going to ease up on assembling fake musicians and actually seek out real talent? No, probably not.

  5. Every Failure…Brings her one step closer to the inevitable:Nude scenes in low-budget movies, that is.She and her sister both have man-jaws that look like they could chew through nails.

  6. Ashley, WE LOVE YOU?Ashley Simpson is epitomizing the analogy of watching a car accident in slow motion, or as I like to call Burnout 4:The Ashley Simpson Experience. And I gotta admit, its damn fun to watch. If only she could figure out how to work that GPS system then she could find her fucking voice eh? Uhh, yeah, well anyway, Ashley, keep up the good work, we can’t keep our eyes off of you. Infamy’s fun.

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